Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Snake in the grass...

This morning, before I had finished my first cup of coffee, Charles called me out to the back yard, and said,"Bring your camera!" I never know just what to expect with that order but I am usually pleasantly surprised! As usual, I was this time, too!

This is what he wanted to show me!


This is a Yellow Rat Snake. Read about it

I know it's a non-poisonous snake, and I find it very beautiful to look at...still ...
I am not as fearless as Charles or my cat, Tiger!

I did touch it, though, while Charles held it.

'General' (my hunter cat), wasn't around! Probably a lucky break for the snake!

I was reminded of this poem by Emily Dickinson.


A narrow fellow in the grass
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him, -did you not?
His notice sudden is.

The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen;
And then it closes at your feet
And opens further on.

He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn.
Yet when a child, and barefoot,
I more than once, at morn,

Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun, -
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.

Several of nature's people
I know, and they know me;
I feel for them a transport
Of cordiality;

But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing,
And zero at the bone.



  1. I'm not crazy about them eating birds, but they do a good job with the rodents. ec

  2. When we had chickens a few years ago snakes would eat the eggs.Once we saw a snake going across the back yard with 2 big egg shaped knots in it's long body! :) Charles just picked it up and took it far away from the chickens! He doesn't like to kill snakes at all.


  3. Cute little snake....just keep it away from me! lol You know, in the 29 years years I've lived here, I've only ever seen a grass snake once in our garden!! I love that picture of Tiger with the snake where they seem to be having a stare down! hehe The poem is also beautiful! xox

  4. Hey Junie,
    I have a horrible phobia of snakes. I can barely force myself to enter the snake room at the zoo. I've always said that if someone ever tried to put a snake down my shirt one of us was going to die.LOL.

  5. :)

    Doug!! ...I find them fascinating if I know they are not poisonous!

    LOL! My husband has been known to bring them into the house so I had to get used to them!

    Thanks for visiting!

    Hope things are going well down in Orlando!


  6. I must admit that snakes are not my most favorite creature! It does have nice coloring though, and I'm glad it's in your yard and not mine!!

  7. :) Pea and Susie,

    Thanks for visiting Junie's Place....even when I feature Snakes or Spiders!


  8. Hi Junie, it's nice to have your own spotter, and then you can just zoom in with a camera.....I love the picture of General and the snake....

  9. I'm a lot like you Junie. I'm not scared of them but I have no desire to pick one up.
    Fortunately we don't have any poisionous varieties here in eastern Ne. They do have prairie rattlesnakes across most of the sandhills and southwest ne.

  10. "The grass divides as with a comb."
    You captured that in your first picture.
    I know snakes are fascinating creatures, but I just don't like them. It's okay that they are out there, but I'd rather not come into contact with them at all.
    I'm the same way with spiders and mice.
    You got some good photos of your reptilian visitor.

  11. Love the poem! Gosh a snake in the grass eh! LOL! You just can't trust anybody these days! LOL!


  12. MrsNesbit,

    :) I always liked Emily Dickinson's poems. ...I identify with her, in a way, because she liked to observe things of nature as I do.

    LOL- And I DO enjoy the infrequent encounters with snakes...I'm kinda weird I guess!


  13. JD,

    Well, with snakes I see them just often enough that the encounters are interesting...just so I know they are not poisonous!

    Mice and spiders I can certainly do without,,,,because they can sometimes invade my house! I had critters in the house!


  14. Hi Cliff,

    Oh! I would never pick one up , on my own...but if Chas. is holding it and I know it's a harmless one I find them interesting to examine...and I'm ok with them being around the yard! Still-an unexpected meeting with one can startle you!!

  15. Hi Judy,

    :) Yah- I love getting the pictures-I leave the touching to others- mostly!

    That was Tiger checking out that snake...General probably would have tried to eat it! lol- I was glad Chas. got it safely on it's way before General showed up!


  16. I want nothing to do with any kinds of snakes

  17. Hi EB,

    :) ....but isn't this a pretty fellow!!

  18. I like snakes, but our cats keep our yard snake free.
    Here's a little poem I wrote called:

    Little Snake

    Did you ever stop and talk to a snake

    And ask it why it crawls?

    Did you ever wonder if it's lonely

    Cause no one ever comes to call?

    People run and they scream, at its sight

    And try to kill it dead.

    No wonder that poor little snake

    Feels a sense of dread.

    He tries to hiss and tell them

    That he won't hurt them none.

    But they won't stop and listen

    Until his life is done.

  19. Hi Sandy,

    I don't mind snakes being around our place, at all, if I'm sure they're not poisonous.

    I like that poem a lot! I have never written about snakes but I have written some poems about spiders and butterflies-OH- and my chickens and geese!

    LOL- you and I seem to have a lot of things in common!


  20. Hi June ~~ Like most people, I don't like snakes and sure wouldn't want to find one in my yard. Poisonous or not!! Thanks for you comment - glad you liked the Band-Aid joke. Take care, Love, Merle.

  21. Hi Merle,

    Yes- most ppl don't care for snakes but I really don't mind them - except the BAD ones!

    Hope things are going well for you.


  22. Hi Junie
    Snakes Yiiikke,I hate snakes. just looking at the snake gave me a shiver. I would run a mile if i saw one that close to home.

  23. Hi Jan,

    :) lol- I guess your reaction is the most normal one.

