Thursday, July 26, 2007


On Friday morning then again early Saturday, (of our Alabama trip) Charles and I got a chance to ride out in the country . As we always do we visited some of the spots where he lived as a kid.
It was rainy weather so we were not able to be out a lot but it was enjoyable, nonetheless!

This first picture is a cotton field in bloom, with an old red barn in the background! The cotton blooms are enclosed in the, so called, 'square' and open up pure white and then turn a shade of red. The cotton bolls form in the center of the flower, deep inside the square . As the cotton boll grows and matures the flower falls away. Finally, the boll opens with sections of white cotton, surrounded by sharp edges of the housing from which it grew. Cotton is ready to be picked in fall, or usually after the first frost has come!

Picking cotton is a 'prickly affair' so I have been told! :) Charles, having grown up in Alabama on a farm, knows ! In fact, I too have some memories of cotton fields from my early childhood!

This ( below)
is cotton ready for pickin'

BTW- This is a good website to show how cotton grows.

( click on picture to read website addy )

Youtube~ Cotton Fields~ CCR


Cotton Fields

~Creedence Clearwater Revival~

When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle
In them old cotton fields back home

It was down in Louisiana
Just about a mile from Texarkana
In them old cotton fields back home

Oh when them cotton bolls get rotten
You can't pick very much cotton
In them old cotton fields back home

It was down in Louisiana
Just about a mile from Texarkana
In them old cotton fields back home



  1. Junie ~ I loved the barn and cotton field shots. It looks so peaceful doesn't it? ~ jb///

  2. Hi, jb,

    I just love country scenes- especially barns! And the older and more weathered, the better!

    Thanks for looking!


  3. That's a beautiful picture with the old picturesque. I enjoyed learning a little bit about how cotton grows.
    Sounds like a wonderful trip. Glad you had such fun with the family. Does the heart good, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the Creedence song...I love them!!
    Thanks also for the happy birthday wishes and nice comment. It is a beautiful valley we live in. The gardens are blooming their heads off at the moment! :)

  4. We left the farm in Mississippi when I was just a kid - but I did do a little "practice picking" the year before we left. Didn't seem a lot of fun to me. :) ec

  5. We don't have cotton fields over here so I'm not very familiar with was so interesting seeing the pictures and hearing how it grows!! Love that barn picture also!! I'm now heading for bed and I'll have that song in my mind! lol Love it! xox

  6. Here is a funny story for ya'!

    My wife and I once stopped in a little farm stand on our travels and I held up a stalk with balls on it. I looked at my wife, laughed, and said "That's different."

    Picking up on my NY accent the southern bumkin behind the counter chimed in "Them there brussel sprouts. That's whut they look like before we put 'em in little boxes to sell to people like you."

    I was shocked.. southern hospitality my arse :) but we laugh abut it to this day.

  7. Kerri,

    Happy you enjoyed the pictures.

    We had a great time visiting the family in Alabama.

  8. ec,

    :) Yep- from what I've heard, picking cotton is not much fun...but chopping cotton is even less fun!
    (so says my husband!) I guess that is because the chopping is done in the hotter times of the year!

    They have easier ways of doing it now - thank goodness!


  9. b13,

    :) Let me apologize for that country fellow! I assure you we are not all so testy and crude! :)

    Hey! I'm never rude to New Yorkers- I like youse guys! ;)


  10. Hi June ~~ Glad you had such a good
    trip, and ride to see familiar places. The cotton is interesting and great photos. Glad you liked my flowers - - AS You Would. Also the jokes. Take care, Love, Merle.

  11. Pea,

    Happy you enjoyed the cotton pics and info. Cotton is more a sub-tropical plant, I think and only does well in warmer climates.

    Oh, but I love cotton fabrics, don't you? Wouldn't want to be without it!


  12. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming over and happy you found the cotton pics interesting.

    See you later today.

