Monday, July 09, 2007

Gloriosa Lily


Up until some time last year I had never seen or heard of this flower...not that I remember, at least. And I DO think I would have remembered because it captured my attention immediately when I first saw it last year!

This plant, with it's viney type growth, was found growing among some hedge plants at my daughter and SIL's place in Orlando. My daughter didn't like it!! They would have let us dig it up and take it home with us but it was so entangled with the other plants it wasn't possible to do so right then!

Meanwhile, I did some web research and found out what the plant is...found out it is not something growing wild but a very desirable and unique flower to grow!

We wanted to have some of these plants so I found a place to order some of the tubers that they grow from! We planted them and finally some small plants were started...however, I had no flowers last year!

Yesterday at my daughter's place I checked her plants, first thing! Her vines had several flowers on them!

So exotic, these blooms! Don't you agree?

My daughter, Tammy, is still not wild about this plant. If they do decide to dig them up I will certainly find a place for them here!

Late yesterday I checked our plants and it looks like ours are about to bloom, too!
We have 3 plants growing now!

It is called Gloriosa Lily!

If you'd like to know more about it, I found many sites about the plant
but am having trouble linking to them!
Do a search of the name of the plant for lots of info!


...Speaking of flowers...


Our Crepe Myrtles are in full bloom and are really spectacular! I made a few pictures yesterday afternoon!

This is Charles' favorite plant and he counted his bushes last year and came up with a total of 51 plants! :) Still, he wants more- to plant along our property line!

...and you thought I only like roses!! ;)




  1. That lily is really beautiful! I love the shape.
    Your crepe myrtles are spectacular. Wow, that's a lot of plants! I can see why your hubby loves them.
    Sounds like you've been having a fun summer with family. I love that pic of Zach when he was 8. He does look 4 :) So cute...and he still is.

  2. Hi Kerri,

    Yes, that plant is beautiful and very unusual. I was surprised to learn it is of the lily family!

    And we love the Crepe Myrtles- lol- ALL of them!

    Have been doing a lot with gardening this summer- hard work -but worth it!

    Yes- Zach was a cute little kid- small for his age- and thin now as a grown-up young man!

    Thanks for coming by Kerri.

    I'll be checking to see what's new with you soon.


  3. Oh wow! Your yard looks like a little piece of paradise! What beautiful flowers, bushes AND strange lilies. I love them all.

  4. I know you like flowers and so do I so I enjoy each visit that I make here. Thank you, connie from Texas

  5. Good morning Connie,

    I'm so glad you like visiting and seeing my flowers! Thanks for coming.


  6. Hi MG,

    Thanks for coming and looking at my flowers! - They bring me a lot of pleasure-in every season.


  7. I didn't know the name of this plant but my goodness it is beautiful! I love lilies in general but this one is so gorgeous. I love the round photo you did.

    The Crepe Myrtles are pretty too. Love the colors.

  8. I love crepe myrtles and miss them so...they don't grow them here in Ohio :(

  9. Your daughter may not like the look of the plant, but I can't imagine NOT liking those blooms!!!
    Very unique and beautiful.

    Those crepe myrtles would be a good option along the backside of our property. I really like those, and it's good that the bush grows to be a large size.

    I enjoyed your previous two posts about Zach. He is such a good looking kid, and I'm glad he and Allison had some time together at their Ginga's house!! :-)
    Happy B-day to him!! I wish him a great year!!!!

  10. Thanks, JD,
    (about Zach) He is a cute young man-and very sweet and loving too!

    He and Alli have always been close , tho there's more than 3 years between them!

    ;) My daughter Tammy just didn't like that plant at all-she said the blooms looked 'evil!'

    oh well! I think it's a very cool looking flower!

    As for the Crepes...they are a good landscape plant. Only thing is they only are in bloom in summer-then most ppl clip them back to promote new growth for the next year.

  11. I'd never heard of or seen that type of lily before and I think it's gorgeous! It's so unusual and so different from the other lilies!!! All of your flowers look so beautiful...I would love to be able to have plants all along our property line to separate us from the next door neighbours...I find I just don't have the privacy I want in our backyard. One side there is a chain link fence but the other side it's wide open. xox

  12. Janet,

    I was surprised to learn that plant is of the lily family!

    Oh, the way I did the photo is part of this picture program I have - it's called iphoto (Just for MAC'S maybe- I'm not sure! It's a very striking effect for some photos1)

  13. Hi Pea,

    Yes- I love the looks of that flower too- tho it is nothing like any lily I've known! :)

    Thanks for coming by.



  14. Tammy,

    I didn't realize Crepe Myrtles didn't grow that far north! :( That's sad!
    Lol- everyone should have the pleasure of seeing them!


  15. What beautiful blooms!

  16. The lily is very unusual and I would love to have one in my yard.
    I also love all those crepe myrtles and you say you have 51? WOW! that's a bunch.

  17. Sandy,

    If you do a search on that flower you can find places wher you can buy them! I bet they would grow in KY- tho would have to be protected in winter.

    Lol- yes- we have a Lot of Crepe Myrtles...but we have 5 acres (that our house is on) so plenty of room. They are mostly planted along the edges of our place.

  18. b13,


    They are beautiful and quite unusual!
