Tuesday, July 03, 2007

One of those days...

One of those days!

Late last night as I was doing laundry I discovered the laundry room flooded with water - with a load of clothes half washed! Caught Charles, with this annoying news, just as he was heading to bed. Nothing to do at that late hour but turn the water supply off to the machine.

OK- So I am left with a load of sudsy, half washed, clothes to process! I knew what I would have to do which was to get them out of the machine, wring them out-by hand- and finish washing and rinsing in the kitchen sink... Problem was...(yep-always a prob. attached!!) I had supper dishes still to do in the kitchen! The hour was already past 11:00 -way past, by the time I finished up the kitchen and was able to start on the clothes... It took me quite a while to finish doing the clothes by hand. Had to put them through 3 rinses to get all the suds out, stopping to rest a few times because my back was hurting! Finally, though poorly wrung out, (the clothes-Not me- as I was thoroughly wrung out!!!) I was able to get the clothes into the dryer.

After a shower I was finally able to get in bed at a little before 2:00 AM!

First thing this morning - a major task for Charles to get the machine out to check out the problem! NO! He will not consider calling a repair service or just replacing the machine! He will try to fix any and all problems that occur in this house, large or small; without outside help!

... So he has the machine on the garage ramp, running it through it's cycles to try and figure things out! When I suggest it might be a good idea to buy a new machine instead of dealing with this he assures me that he can fix it!! I have confidence he can!
After all-I've experienced these things more than a few times in 46 years...but- meanwhile I have a laundry room with piles of soggy towels and clothes needing to be taken care of! These were on the floor when the mishap occurred last night - so are now in wet, dirty, heaps!


He has determined the problem to be the pump...He has taken it off - demonstrated the leak in my kitchen sink - and is now on a quest to find said part and reassemble it...and hopefully, get me back in business!!
Just yesterday Charles was expressing to me how he would like to slow down...saying he wanted to start taking it easier . He was talking about getting rid of the cows because they are definitely a lot of work for him... I don't really mind to let the cows go if it's what he wants...but I think it will be hard for him-NOT to have that work to do! He has been a hard worker all his life and I can't see him stopping!
...Just some thoughts coming out of my frustrated situation here this morning! It'll work out...always does!


So - I had decided that today I would venture out and find a place to get my long locks cut...as you know, a job I have been putting off much too long! (and the hair is Much Too Long !!)
But due to the fact my sleep was shorter than usual...barely 5 hours, if that... I didn't feel like undertaking that task today! Also have this laundry mess to sort out!

Oh well, you do what you have to do! Sometimes seems I am just going with the flow of some wild river...


At 1:10 PM~
C. has just got my washing machine back inside and I have put in a load of the wet towels... Wish me luck! :)

YAY!!! It worked! Are you surprised? I'm not!

My girls, Tina and Alli, just came in and I related the story to them- of our problem and of C. solving it!

Alli was not at all surprised!
She said,
"Of course!~ Gabbo's magic!" ;)


( Ginga )


  1. How cool that you have Mr. Fixit for a husband! :)

    It must be Washers-On-Strike season, as our washer broke this weekend too! It made all sorts of noises, but wouldn't turn to wash the clothes! Since it has been leaking thick,smelly goop for some time now, and since we had a replacement washer (given to us second-hand) in the garage, we decided to put the old one in the garage and use the "new" one. Well, *I* decided to replace it... Scott wanted to open it up with his tools and try to fix it! (Do you notice a trend here?!?)

    Anyway, our washer is upstairs in our house. It wasn't too hard to get the old washer down the stairs (we slid it) and into the garage, but the new one was VERY heavy, and we didn't think we could push it up the stairs! Well, we thought we could, but we almost gave up, as it kept catching on the lip of the steps, and we couldn't push hard enough to dislodge it!

    In the end, we slid a piece of board under the washer, and then Scott was able to rest it on his back and HEAVE it up with his legs, sliding it up the board! I had to keep replacing the board every time it came out from under the washer! But - we did it! And the new washer works well. Our wet laundry sat in baskets in the hallway until the new washer was ready. And Scott and I both have sore muscles now, from all the pushing!

  2. Figures your washing machine would break down late at night like that! Greatttt that Charles was able to fix it though, think of all the money that was saved! lol Oh Junie, I know how frustrating those kinds of days can be but as you said, these things always seem to work out too. I can understand Charles wanting to slow down but I bet you if he does get rid of the cows, he'll just find something else to do:-) xox

  3. Hi Skye,

    Wow- sounds like you and Scott really had a time getting that washer up the stairs! ( We couldn't have done that!)

    Charles didn't have that much trouble getting ours out as it wasn't that far to move it. Only problem is all the junk in the storage room between the laundry rm. and garage!
    (I need to do something about all this stuff!!)

    He always tries to fix whatever breaks around the house and is usually successful. A good thing but it always seems a hard choice, because he doesn't always feel like tackling these jobs.


  4. Hi Pea,

    Lol- yes , things always decide to break at the worse times. it seems. I remember when our daughter got married...our air conditioner decided to quit>>> and we had guests and our family- all to get ready for the wedding! In Miami it's a big deal to suddenly have youe AC cut off- believe me!!

    ;) that's one time C. did what he had to do... luckily he had enough time to go and buy an air conditioner unit- and he did just that! ( this was before we had central air)

    Oh, I'm sure C. will never stop doing things- as long as he's able!


  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    What a great thing to have the Maytag Man for a hubby. Mine is an excellent cook but not so much a mechanic. So we eat good but spend money on repairs!

  6. I've been having a washing machine problem myself...sometimes they won't spin out after a rince, does he have any hint as to what that might be?
    Boy, I wish ya'll lived next door....teehee!!

  7. Hi June, just a thought... I'd hang on to Charles if I were you.

  8. Peter,

    Yes, I think I'll keep him for awhile. ;)


  9. Hi EB,

    Yes, it's good that he can fix stuff... He will always try before calling someone. He just has a good understanding of how things work and can usually figure out a problem.

    (sorry yer so far away from here :) )


  10. To Momma,

    Thanks! :) It is good to have him around!

    And he cooks too- when the mood strikes him! :)

    Have a happy and safe holiday!


  11. My husband is a do-it-yourselfer, too, but he's a little more willing to seek outside help than he used to be. Being able to fix things has been handy, though.

  12. Sounds like something that happend at our house last week and I also am married to Mr. Fixit Myself, which saves us quite a bit of money. hehehe

    Enjoyed reading your post, but Jimmy took it upon himself to take the wet laundry out of the washer and run to the laundramat with it. He returned and put it in the dryer, folded the clothes and put them away. Besides being my Mr.Fixit he also does all the work around here. He can't seem to stop and slow down. I wonder what he's doing right now? Probably fixing or cleaning something while I play on the computer. hehehe

  13. MG,

    Yes, it is good to have a handy-man for a husband!

    :) My computer involvement and problems that arise have, at times, been a sourse of frustratin for me;the reason being that I have always depended on my husband to help me figure stuff out- solve problems- etc! He has totally avoided getting to know anything at all about the computer!

    I'm on my own with this! :)

  14. Sandy,

    Sounds like you are doubley blessed! :)

    Charles is very helpful too, especially when things go wrong! But this happened late at night so nothing much to do until the next day.

    I just finished the small load of clothes and got themm in the dryer, myself.

    Hope you've had a good holiday.

