Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our rainy day...

Hi Folks,

It's been a rainy day here -off and on- mostly on!

Still, we made the breakfast date with our friends. It's more than a 20 mile ride to where they are. They live in The Villages- a neighborhood for retirees! And we ate at a brand new Golden Corral restaurant near them! It was very good. We went to their Villa for a little while after our breakfast. Charles and Bill go back a long way - to the early days of their police careers in Miami.

Sandy (my friend) was having trouble getting to my blog so I showed her the way. :) She is thinking of starting a blog of her own. having trouble with her high speed connection right now but that will soon be fixed! Of course I encouraged her to blog!

A nap was in order after that trip so I crashed out on the couch for awhile! I am still not resting well at night and having to get up earlier than usual left me a bit more tired than usual!

Since the nap, I have been watching some music videos on Youtube!
Yes - More Dire Straits! I am SO intrigued with this band right now!
Lol! Well- they're new to me, ya know, so just bear with me

I hope I never run out of new music to explore!!! :)
...And - most likely the 30+ years of music I missed- (mostly by just ignoring it through the years) and still have to discover... should last me for the rest of my days! After all, I am age 66 already! But... perhaps I'd better slow down a bit...make it last to the end!! ;)

Between the rains I went out to check my roses! Very wet- but they love it!

(click pics to enlarge)


We had no visitors today...Oh ~ except for these guys!
(Well, this guy and his 2 gals, I should say!) They like my back yard-especially the bugs they find under the orange trees!

... And here is my 'Tiger' - the 'World's Sweetest Cat!'

Shhh! Don't tell 'The General' I said that!




  1. More wonderful pictures! The cat, chickens/rooster, roses, and girls! All beautiful photos.

  2. Thanks, b13-

    I'm pleased that you find my photos interesting!


  3. As usual, the pictures are beautiful.

    Those girls look like typical teens anywhere.

  4. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for looking at my pictures.

    I am enjoying my roses, tho they are keeping me very busy this summer.

    Hope you're doing well.


  5. Beautiful flowers once again Junie. I so look forward to your postings with more photos!!

    Happy Monday
    [The Golden Corral near our house always seems to have more 'grease' than food. I like it, but it's NOT healthy foods. LOL]

  6. Hi Anni,

    Happy you enjoy my flower pictures...

    (lol- I DO post a lot of them!)

    You're right about that restaurant...
    and I always eat too much when we go there...but most mornings I have a banana and bowl of Cherrios , so maybe it balances out! Hope so! :)

    Aug. 1st. I have my followup visit after just having my yearly labs done so will soon know how I stand, healthwise!

    Take care-


  7. JunieRose ~ We could use some of that rain here in the Midwest! ~ jb///

  8. JB,


    Would share if I could.


  9. We are hoping for some rain this flowers were awful dry when I got home from KY...your roses are so very pretty!

  10. Thanks, T*mmy,

    We just had a real hard rain this afternoon, again!

    We'll be gone to Alabama from Wednesday -thru Sunday! I'll have a lot of weeding and clipping to do when I get back, I'm sure.

  11. You had creatures for visitors!! They stay outside and are easy to feed. :-)

    Speaking of new music...
    My son keeps me informed with whatever he is listening to. It is always guitar centered music, but there are some incredibly talented musicians out there!! They are young and some are VERY weird looking (stage makeup, tons of tattoos and piercings, etc..) but it is fun to watch the You Tube vidoes my son picks out for me. YOU will never run out of new music to explore; that is for sure.

    We had a lot of rain last week, but yesterday and today have been hot, humid, and rainless.

    Roses with dew/raindrops on them are so pretty!

  12. Glad you had a nice brk out. It's always fun to get together with friends.
    Love your roses :)

  13. Anonymous9:05 PM

    So you've dumped Rush for Dire Straits then?

    ..... Women ..... SHEESH !!! :)

  14. To anonymous...


    Rush hasn't been dumped! :)
    ...but isn't variety a good thing?

    BTW- Who Are You-WHO-WHO-WHO-WHO??

  15. Just dropped by after reading your comment on Tammy's blog, re blogging. I can relate to what you said there. And after reading your own posts, it looks like I'll just have to add you to my Google Reader, even though I said I wouldn't add any more blogs to my list this year!

  16. Hi Val,

    Thanks so much for coming by and checking me out here!

    I'm always happy to have new ppl visit-and hope you find a lot to interest you here.

    LOL- You will notice I blog about a lot of different things...I seldom have a plan ahead of time.

    I want to check out your blog too- but it may have to wait-

    We're going on a trip to Alabama and will be gone for a few days.

    Thanks again,


  17. Hi JD,

    Yes, I like checking out the new -young -bands with my 'grands' too.

    Lol- but sometimes I think Allison picks her bands by how CUTE the guys are! ;)

    (just kidding-Alli :) )

    Take care, JD.

    See you in a few days!


  18. Thanks Susie,

    Be back in a few days to catch up with everyone.

