Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Saturday

Today we went for a ride on the Victory- the first time in several weeks. Here we are about to leave from home.

It started out fun and didn't feel too hot at all...but by the time we had been out for a couple hours we both realized we had, had enough!
Too hot!!

Here we are riding! :) Good thing I'm not concerned with fancy hair-dos-I'd be in big trouble! LOL!

We did have a nice breakfast and the time riding was fun...but just too dang hot!!
Here we are, about to leave for the trip home, after having breakfast at Golden Corral in The Villages. (This is about 25 miles south of us.)

We're looking forward to cooler weather! Just a couple more months...maybe!!

We're both thankful that we are still able to ride!

'Knock on wood!!'

... Speaking of which...

Look at my backyard visitors yesterday!!

This is the Pileated Woodpecker- not often seen around our little spot here! I was thrilled to have seen them and to have got the pictures-tho they are not great! I was afraid to try to get any closer so had to zoom in!

( click to enlarge )

Here is a website about this bird!


Junie Rose


  1. I just love these pictures of you and both look so great...and happy. I love your rides on Victory.

  2. Gday Junie, Im back visiting again,You look good perch on the Victory dont worry about the hair a quick brush and a little hair spray will put it back in place,andI love all your country scenes below.

  3. We've also reached that age when you suddenly think, "Man, this is too hot let's head to the house." I love AC. Glad the ride and breakfast was fun. I love the woodpecker pics. Neat looking birds indeed.

  4. Thanks to all for your nice comments-




  5. I so enjoyed all your pictures again today dear Junie...I think it's wonderful that you and Charles enjoy riding the bike and as you said, that you still can! lol I can imagine how hot it was riding, though...I think I'll stay in my air conditioned car! lol Great shots you got of the woodpecker...we have them here once in a while:-) I didn't have time to post about the day trip I took yesterday so will do that in the morning!! xox

  6. Pea,

    Thanks for coming by and looking at my pictures...also for reading the old stories that I linked to. I like to link to related stories etc.

    Will be looking forward to your story of your day trip.


  7. Riding is fun, isn't it? Glad you can still enjoy it!

    Thanks for the info on the pileated woodpecker. I saw one of them on the porch just recently. He hopped up there on a beam and pecked a couple of times, then hopped on the side of the wall and did the same thing (we live in a log home!). Then he flew away. I see them at the feeders sometimes. Pretty though!

  8. Hi Rachel,

    Oh yes- we enjoy the riding- love it when the weather is cooler!

    Thse woodpeckers are really neat birds and we don't see them a lot here- so that was very special for me!


  9. It's been pretty hot here today too with bad air quality...I was so stuffed up I could not breath!!

  10. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

