Monday, July 23, 2007

Our travels...July, 2007~~~ and some ART

For the past several years Charles' family has held a family reunion in north Alabama.
It is usually in mid- July...this time it was July 20th.- and 21st!

Charles and I started out on our trip very early on the 18th.

LOL! Happy!
(Really- he was!)

Our first destination was to my brother and SIL's place in Priceville- which is 15 miles or so south of Athens where Charles' reunion is held.

We usually make our home-base there, as my brother Ray and SIL, Frances, have a lot of room- and it's very nice and comfortable. We're able to visit with both sides of our families this way -in one trip! :) Sometimes Ray and Frances have gone with us to visit the folks in Athens, but didn't this time.


North of Dothan, Al , we have often stopped to admire and photograph this metal sculpture. It is a rooster made of chrome car bumpers and stands approx 12- to 15 ft. tall! It is in front of a small building which we have never found to be open - an art gallery. This time, as we were admiring and photographing the sculpture, a truck pulls up beside us. Turns out it was the artist and he invited us in to view his studio!

This artist works mostly with metal but he also had other examples of art ...a lot of character figures...I am not sure what all the materials he works are but I found the whole experience interesting! I took a few pictures but didn't want to intrude too much ... I also got his web site- so you can find out more about him and his work, if interested.

...More here!...The artist is Larry Godwin-Scroll down to find his name at this site.

( sorry~ my pictures are disorganized-Can't get blogger to work right today...
So the first ones are the art of Larry Godwin~~Then Charles and me just starting out on the trip~~ and a picture of my brother and sister-in-law at their place!)

~~~More later~~

PS~ I had a good time but missed my blogging pals!




  1. I'm glad you had a nice visit...Welcome Back!!

  2. Isn't it funny how attached we've become to our blogging buddies? I know that when I go away for a few days, I can't wait to come back so I can blog again! lol I so enjoyed your pictures...always lovely to see your beautiful smiling faces:-) That certainly is a fascinating sculpture and how wonderful that you were able to meet the artist and see more of his work! Very nice!! xox

  3. Hi Pea,

    Yes- I DO miss blogging and reading other blogs when I go away!
    You get to feel as though you know each other in our blogging circles.

    I found that artist's work fascinating! Those sites I posted are quite interesting!

    I wish I had made more pictures but felt that he might not want me to...


  4. Loved that rooster June, a talented artist.

  5. Hi Peter,

    Yes, I always liked seeing that big rooster! And I found all of his art in the studio interesting- to say the least! I liked reading the websites too- and there's one more I want to post tomorrow.

