Thursday, August 23, 2007

Name Meme

Hi folks,

I decided to do the name meme Pea sent me yesterday!

Write 8 of your blog friends' names in a unique way and post them. You must write the blogger's name that tagged you, then add 7 others. Be creative .
( It's a fun thing , but do it only if you wish to!)


OK- I decided to use some of my photos to link with some of my blog friends...I put names to the photos that remind me of each blogger! :) I got a little carried away with the project and added one more blog friend than was requested!


The little faerie fits her! We both have faerie gardens this summer! ;)

Mr. Eddie~
He has often mentioned his fig tree so this picture made me think of him!

Plant lover in Australia who has Stag Horn ferns just like we do!

Hootin' Anni~
She often posts picture of her walks along her Texas coast, so this picture of gulls reminded me of her.

This picture fits Joy very well. She's a joy to read- especially her poems!

Morning Glory~
She's a lover of sunrises and sunsets, just as I am. This is especially for MG!

Dear Merle once showed a rose that might be this very same one that I have! Anyway- Merle deserves roses so this one is especially for her!

This picture is for Skye- not only because her name fits so well but also because I wish for only blue skies in her life.

Tammy ( Early Bird)~
Not sure why I chose this for Tammy other than Tammy shares her name with my daughter (And I first saw this unique plant at my daughter's house!)
And I know Early Bird-Tammy likes flowers! :)


All of these bloggers are on my side bar!
Please visit them when
you have a chance.




  1. Hey Miz Junie!
    Thanks for my name picture...I may have to set up a post to store these as Sweet Pea did one for me and also my friend Susie Q...

  2. :)

    You're welcome!

    I was very 'peased' with mine from 'Pea',too.


  3. Oh, thank you, Junie! That is so sweet! It's brightened my day. :) You are a kind friend!

  4. Skye,

    :) I'm happy you liked the name picture and hope you're having one of those 'blue sky' days today!


  5. Awwww, you're so sweet and the picture is gorgeous! I'll work up my names for next week. Thanks a million.

  6. Oh Junie....I love the seagull for me!! I'm always sitting on the beach, listening to their call and laughter. It' so sweet of you! I've placed it up on my sidebar.

    Golly, I just may have to do this meme. It's great. And!!!---I love all of them that you did! They're all great.

  7. Hi Anni,

    I'm glad you like the name picture I made for you. Yours was one I was most pleased with! It just fit you well, I thought!


  8. Hey couldn't have picked anything better for me....I just love that beautiful rose. You did a great job with all of them....thank you so much sweetie for thinking of me. Have a wonderful weekend....

  9. MG,

    So glad you like your name Picture!
    It fits you well! :)


  10. Hi Joy,

    Thanks! I'm happy you like your picture.

    I thought yours turned out very beautiful!


  11. Hi June ~~ You have done a great job with the names and pictures and they are lovely Thanks for my roses -I
    love it. However my mind is blank at the moment as to what I could do. You and Pea have done very well.
    Glad you like the Santa story. Take care and thanks for thinking of me -
    I'll try to come up with something.
    Love, Merle.

  12. Hi Merle,

    Just do it if you feel like it!

    This blogging thing is supposed to be just fun for all of us! :)

    I almost didn't do it then I had my idea of the pictures! :)

    I'm glad you like your rose.

    Hugs}} Junie

  13. Hi Junie, thank you for my stag , im not very artistic when it comes to doing something like this
    but let me sit on it and ill try think up something but no promises

  14. Oh Junie, I just love it that you used some of your pictures for the name meme! I LOVE mine!! Thank you so much my friend!! xox

  15. Jeanette,

    I'm glad you like the staghorn name picture! :)

    Don't worry about doing them unless you really want to...We're just here to have fun!!!


  16. Hi Pea,

    Well, you know I love playing around with my photos- so that was the natural way to go! :)

    I'm glad you like yours.


