Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Early rising ( And update)

I awoke this morning at 5:00 - about 3 hours earlier than my usual time!

"What the heck!!"
...... But, knowing it would be useless to try to get back to sleep I got up in the unaccustomed darkness. At almost 7:00 now, it is just getting light out!

I usually get my best rest near morning because I have trouble sleeping earlier in the night! Last night I gave it up earlier and went to bed around 11:00 or just I guess that accounts for my earlier rising.

...Well-that -and the fact that I have that Dr. appointment today at 9:30! Not that I am overly concerned about anything being out of whack with me... It is just that follow-up visit after my yearly lab work.
( :) and to see if I'm still shrinking!! )
I just don't like anything changing my routine...


Be back later!




I'm back!

Some things too high... my blood pressure- my wt. Some things height.- my thyroid!

Some of those things I can improve...but the height...? Guess all I can do there is get me some high heels to wear! :( Seriously-I have lost a couple inches in the past few years! But- not to worry! I got a new prescription for my bones so I'm not in danger of actually sinking totally away! ;)

The BP and wt. can be improved. I'm back on BP meds again, though, until I get more in control of my life! Meds for thyroid also needed some adjustment in strength.

My sleep problem was discussed...and the doc agreed a new bed would be beneficial. ( I need a bed that doesn't swallow me!!) Lack of good rest at night has added to my health problems- keeping me tired and inactive during the day.

It's in our plan to shop for a mattress this weekend - a firmer one! Luckily for us we have a big bedroom so I will have room for a half-size bed ! I have fought this too soft bed for over a year so I have to do something!

overall-not such a bad report for one who's been knocking around this old planet as long as I have. But- definitely room for improvement!

OK- two of my meds altered and one more added on- but I can do that!

I go back in 3 weeks! Meanwhile-I need to work on getting myself 'improved!'



  1. Hope all is well.
    Take care.

  2. I hope all goes well with your Dr visit!

  3. My Grandma would have said you got up with the chickens! That was her phrase for early risers!
    Hope all goes well at the dr.!

  4. Real-Mother-Hen



    Thanks to all for your good wishes for me!

  5. A good report on a medical check-up is a blessing.
    My doc has been telling me about my weight for a dozen years, but being heavy is the main problem with all my other complaints.
    Spending too much time here in front of this screen is the main problem with lack of time for exercise! I guess I have too many friends to look over every day ;)

    I don't know about your finances, but we L.O.V.E our Tempurpedic mattress.
    We've had it about 5 years now, and I'm almost to the point when I don't want to go on a trip iffen I cain't sleep in me own bed!

    Good Luck with shopping for a mattress you like.


  6. Hi Diane,

    Thanks for all your comments.

    Oh- I agree with what you said about the computer- I, too, spend way too much time sitting here. I have trouble deciding between it's being a blessing or a curse! :) I DO enjoy my computer and all the friends I've made through blogging and message forums!

    I just HAVE to make myself start a walking program...and it's not just the computer that is preventing it, at this point! I just never have the energy to do much! I DO manage to do some gardening often, tho!

    As for the bed situation- we tried the sleep # bed- not sure if it's the same that you mentioned...It didn't work for us. Might have if we had got a king size- but we have a queen size. After that didn't work out we got this very expensive set- ultra plush and soft!! C. loves it but I feel I am drowning in cotton when I try to sleep.

    My last resort is trying a bed of my own for awhile.


  7. Hello dear Junie:-)

    I'm glad to hear that the appointment didn't go too long as something can be done to improve a health problem, that's a good thing! Not sleeping well certainly can affect ones' health...every once in a while I'll go through an episode when I can't get a good night's sleep and I feel so miserable. Hopefully a new mattress will help you:-) xox

  8. yah- have to do what I can to keep as healthy as I can.

  9. I guess a Dr appt without really bad news is a good thing. We do love our air bed but as you say, it is a king and that sure may make the difference.
    Good luck to you on the rest. It took them a year to get my throid boosted enough and about 50 pounds in the mean time. I've finally lost most of it but it took some time.

  10. Cliff,

    Thanks for your comments.

    I expect things will improve for me if I work at it- become more active-improve my diet- take my meds. And sleep better-I hope!

    You take care,


  11. Hi June ~~ I am so glad the news from the doctor wasn't too awful. I hope a new mattress will help you sleep better, and meds for BP and thyroid
    will help there. Good luck on losing some weight. Walking seems to be the best as well as diet. Thanks for your comments, glad you liked the Frog story and my Great Grand-daughters
    Take great care, dear June, Love, Merle.

  12. I'm happy you got this much checked and now know what to take care of. Keep your next appt'mt. too missy! I'm keeping an eye on you, lol!!

  13. Thanks Merle,

    Just gonna do my best to improve what I can.

  14. Hi Carolyn,

    Yes, I will do my best to fix what needs fixing! :)


