Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shopping day

Today I had to go shopping. Got a late start because I was tired when I got up and just couldn't seem to get going.

The road I travel to Wal-Mart is very curvy...well, not like in the mountains...but it does have a lot of twists for this area. It's lightly traveled, giving -I think- a false feeling of safeness! Or maybe the curves are a challenge to some! People speed on this road a lot! The distance is no more than 6-7 miles from my house...but as I travel I'm reminded of 5 fatal accidents that have occurred along this road. There are probably more...those are just the ones that have roadside markers put there by loved ones.

The most memorable marker along this road is two crosses-side by side. This one I remember well and, although I didn't know the young girls who died there, still, it was a heartbreaking story! The 2 girls were high school friends . It was a school day when the 2 should have been in school, but were on a road no where near their school. The story was -they were skipping school! (Not that that is important ...) On one of the curves their car hit head on with a semi- truck pulling a huge mobil home being transported to a home site. There was a fiery crash and both young girls were killed...

The mother of one of these girls was an RN working the ER at the hospital where the girls were both taken...and was to discover that one of the crash victims was her daughter! (I can't imagine anything worse than this!)

So-even after all these years (it has been several) I never pass this way without a deep sadness and a prayer for these girls.

The stories are unknown for some of the markers I pass- so I am not as much effected by them. The story of these 2 girls, however, has remained fresh in my memory.

I was thinking as I traveled (and Charles and I talked of this recently) that I wouldn't want to put up a marker such as this if I lost someone dear to me in a car wreck! For one thing I wouldn't want the constant reminder of how my loved one had died! Another thing is that a marker like that is not respected-and protected- as one in a cemetery is!...I would just want one place where I could go to feel close to my baby if I lost a child this way!

....Just some of my rambling thoughts... which probably make no sense to anyone except me!

... Those 2 little crosses always make me very sad...


Shopping was long and hot and I didn't get home until mid-afternoon. My 2 little poodles greeted me at the door, as they always do, happy to see me.

I haven't had the heart to make a decision about Sadie...She is right beside me as I type this.


Oh! These are some music CDs I bought today!

...Can't say they will either ever be my 'Most often Played!'~ Oh , well!! :(
Anyway-am giving them a go!!

(click on pics to enlarge)




  1. I too would not want to erect a marker on the side of the road, but I think that the reasoning is if more people knew the deaths that take place there that they would slow down.
    Just stay safe while on that road Miz Junie!!

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Yes, I'm sure you're right about the reasoning behind it...and maybe it does help. It sure makes me sad to see those markers, though. But, probably not a bad thing to be reminded of those 2 kids I always pray for them and all my own loved ones at that time.


