Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday News- (Farm and music and a visit)

Just after dinner last night my guys settled down to watch the football game- Miami Dolphins and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. My guys (husband and son) have always been, and will forever be, Dolphin fans! They became big fans in the early days-(when the Dolphins were new and my son Chris was just a kid ) and would go to a lot of games together during the years we lived in Miami!

Lol- I remember when the Dolphins returned from their Superbowl win against Washington Redskins (14-7) in 1973- after that fantastic 17-0 winning season of '72- we went to the airport in the middle of the night to join with, probably, hundreds of other fans to welcome them back home! It was an enthusiastic group of fans as I remember- with Charles, Chris and me, as exuberant as any of the others! Those were happy times! :) guys are still big football fans and watch as often as they can. I'm not much of a fan these days.
While they watched the game I was into some music listening- which is among my favorite things to do these days!
...It was decided Pink Floyd would again be the star of the night! :) Ended up playing 'The Wall' AND 'Dark Side of the Moon!'

Great music - though depressing lyrics! It's true! Still, I'm often drawn to the music! It's all part of the music history that I am compelled to explore! ;) It's part of my mission!

And ~ I had a great time- thank you very much!!


Today was a bit sad as Charles had decided to take 3 calves to the market for tomorrow's auction! So- goodbye Cloud #9, Gypsy Rose, and Silver Bell! With the little girl calves I can manage to not feel TOO bad , as I imagine them being bought just for breeders! could be true, ya know!! I hope so!

Here they are:


A little later in the day our granddaughter, Alli, came by to visit. Tina was working and Alli had the car and would pick her mom up after work in the late afternoon. Alli stayed for a nice, long, visit. We had snacks and cokes and coffee and lots of chit-chat! Also she showed me some little things I needed to know about blogging-picture sizing- etc!
(just things that grandkids know and Gingas don't know!)


Oh! And we looked at some Youtubes of her favorites - 'Plain White T's'. She showed me this vid of TOM doing a Beatles tune!

Pretty good, I say!

:) AND we made pictures while our girl was here, too!

Later we made plans to meet the girls at Shells for dinner!

All things considered it
has been a good weekend for us!
Hope yours was good too!



  1. Poor cows :( but so, is life.

    Your hubby has one cool stach 'n beard. My wife hates when I grow mine out ;)

    Did you ever check out that David Gilmour CD? "On an Island"... you'll like it ;)

  2. I agree that your hubby's facial hair is awesome. Great to have kids who can help out with computer problems too.

  3. Hi B13,

    :) Yah- Chas. has a cool beard! I may be different from a lot of women but I like beards-and am of the opinion that no man's face is so handsome that it can't be improved by a beard! haha

    Yes- I always feel sad when he takes the calves to market. I try not to become close to them- other than naming the new calves- because I know what their fate will have to be! :(

    Thanks for the music tip. I'll have to check out that David Gilmore cd.


  4. Hi Val,

    Thanks! I like my husband with a beard. He has had one for many years and it seems strange when , occasionally, he will shave it off. But then he usually starts to grow it back again real soon.

    Yes- amazing how the young folks know so much more about computers than I do! :) ( she showed me how to use Photobucket ...and how to size pictures for the side bar! I hope the instructions stayed in my head- for next time! haha


  5. That's it!! I've got to get their CD!! I just love these kids!!

  6. :)

    Allison will be thrilled when she reads this! I already told her I like them a lot too!

