Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hi Folks,

I just want to say thanks for all of your encouraging comments and suggestions (also to Skye for her emails) concerning the upsetting events of yesterday with my anonymous visitor.

After thinking about it I've decided I don't want to alter my receiving of comments after all...because many members of the family read the blog, who aren't registered.

...ALSO- This is MY BLOG and I am not going to be intimidated by someone behind an anonymous name. I enjoy blogging and will continue until I decide it's time to quit!

Anyone who has read my blog at all knows I am not out to say bad things or do bad deeds against anyone.

I'm sorry this person took a story of fiction in such a way...but it's his/her problem- not mine!




  1. Thanks, Sweet Pea!



  2. Yay, Junie! You tell them!!! :)

  3. You go girl...I'm just now catching up to speed on your annonymous problem person...Just one of the things we all have to deal with from time to time if you spend any amount of time interacting on the 'puter you're bound to run into these "jerks"!! Take it from me, keep right on truckin'...keep your smile on and your head up!

  4. Thanks, Tammy,

    I plan to do just that...just keep on smilin' and blogging! :)

    I have been lucky in not having run into a lot of this kind of stuff in my several years involved in computer activities!


  5. Hi June, don't give Anon E Mouse the satisfaction of replying or the attention he/she seeks... let 'em start their own blog if they want comments!!!!

  6. Thanks, Peter,

    ~ I was just taken by surprise because nothing like that had ever happened to me before. From now on, any such anom. comments will be deleted without a reply!


  7. Hi Junie,
    Just got done reading about your problems. Sorry you were bothered by a no name! Glad to hear you're going to put it all behind you. I've had that happen a time or two, and did take off the anonymous commenter option, but whatever works for you is what you should do.

  8. Hi Sue,

    Well it seems that anon. person has gone on his way-as I wasn't bothered yesterday.

    Hope you're having a good day.

