Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today's Update!

The medical procedure went very well for Tina today and we were all back home before noon. The upcoming surgery in about 3 weeks will be a much bigger thing, requiring a long surgery and a few days in hospital. We're all hoping and praying it will go well for her! Have to trust it will!!

I was up at 4:00 AM- after only about 3 hours sleep last night...needless to say I was very tired all of this day. Took a short nap- after my big ordeal with my blog template!! :) I'm just gonna leave all that be until I feel more up to the task of figuring things out again! :) And that may never happen!


I got a really neat package from my friend Bonnie today! (that Reno girl, you know!)
She recently went to see Chris Isaak in concert and got me this signed T-shirt! :)
Also sent a lot of pictures of the show-and some vid clips too!
~~And some sunsets!~~ OH!! And a Chris Isaak cd and video!
...and some extra surprises too...a cute figurine of a boy fishing with his dog- and a Beanie Babies poodle pup!

Now!! What do you do with someone this generous?? I'll have to think of something real good to repay her!

This Chris Issak video is very good! He's tops in crooning those love songs! Sort of has the style of Roy Orbison.

And he's very cute too!!

WELL!! He is!! :)

Here's a website that has lots of info about Chris Isaak!
Some vid clips here too!

And this!

Very 'steamy' video - but a great song!!




  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    looks awesome on you!!! glad you liked everything -- one of the videos i took is him singing with his brother -- that was cool -- and not too long after i got in trouble for having a camera -- 50 other people in front of the stage with cell phones and cameras and the girl sitting next to me and i were threatened with being thrown out!!! i thought it was casino security -- but the bad guy is in the picture with chris signing autographs!!!

  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    p.s. i was so excited to see you wearing the T-shirt i forgot to send best wishes to your Tina -- i know you will keep us posted regarding her surgery but the collies will form a prayer circle for her and we'll all be sending her positive thoughts. i know you'll all be glad to have this behind you!

  3. Hi Bonnie,

    Oh yes! I love all the goodies you sent me! :)

    Too bad someone chose to give you a hard time there-about the pictures! ...But you did get some good ones anyway!

    Thanks for everything!



  4. :) thanks for the good wishes for Tina! And thank the Collies too ! ;)


  5. Love that video Junie....steamy, yep!

    I'm sending Tina lots of big healthy, healing hugs....and my prayers to get her through everything beautifully. I know she'll be so relieved to have it all over with. Hugs to you too Junie...

  6. Hi Joy,

    ....but it IS good! :)

    Thanks so much for your good wishes and hugs for my daughter! We appreciate it!



  7. I SO love this song but had never seen the video before...veryyyy nice:-) And look at you with a signed Chris Isaak cool is that:-) My prayers continue for Tina...hope you're able to have a good night's sleep tonight! xox

  8. So glad that Tina's procedure went well. I guess that is why my blog is so plain, I'm afraid to mess with it. ec

  9. Dear June ~~ Just catching up with
    all your posts, you were a cute 11 year old, now a cute 66 year old.
    I love that clip of Chris Isaak, I
    see it on Country Music Channnel.
    Also like Dire Straits. Sorry you
    had trouble with your blog - I am not game do much to mine. (That's what my brother is for). I do hope your daughter comes through her surgery safely and will feel much better afterwards. Also hope you can manage to lose some weight - that's not easy, but for your health's sake, maybe that will spur you on. Glad you enjoyed the story of the African children. Shows us
    how to really have faith. Take
    care, June, Love and prayers,Merle.

  10. Hi Dear Junie,
    Sending big ((((HUGS)))and best wishes for a speedy recovery and im sure her next procedure will go well also...

  11. Mr,Eddie,

    Thanks for visiting and your kind words for my daughter.

    About your don't need any fancy stuff as your words always have a wonderful message and that's enough! :)


  12. Thanks,

    To all of you for your good wishes for my daughter>


