Thursday, September 06, 2007

Charlie's cornbread

The past couple days there has been a lot of talk of southern cooking - HERE!

I guess it got me in the mood for some country-southern cookin' for our supper tonight! Something did!!

But to be honest, I must have had something of the sort in mind already...because I bought a pack of dried Great Northern beans when I shopped yesterday. It's not usually something I buy unless I have plans for them!

Early in the afternoon I announced to C. my plans to make a pot of beans for supper...
Right off, he says,"I'll make cornbread!" LOL - And the funny thing was...he had bought a half gal. of buttermilk. (A must for our cornbread making!) Weird the way our minds work!! The plan just fell into place like magic! :)

I found a hamhock in freezer to cook with the beans and left the corn bread for my husband to make! :) It's something he takes a lot of pride in doing - as he should!


Corn bread x two ~ by Charlie !

The rest of our dinner (or supper as it was always called in the old days of our youth)
was left over chicken and some pre-cooked, stuffed breasts of chicken! Also some avacado slices!

The best part for me was this:

Nothing can beat hot cornbread in cold buttermilk! ;)


Junie Rose



  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    When married to hubby one the favorite was corn bread and pinto beans.

  2. Oh, that all looks sooooooo good! I may need you to FedEx me a care package right quick!

  3. Yum. I do beans much the same way but generally with the smaller Navies. Great Northerns are good but not as easy to find on sale.

    I was telling a local friend about corn bread and buttermilk just the other day. They shuddered and I said "if you haven't tried it, don't knock it".

  4. Oh my, OH MY!!
    That cornbread looks super YUMMY!!
    My mom taught my bro and I to LOVE beans and cornbread.
    It's midnight as I write this, and I'm craving that meal you had!!!
    I may have to make some cornbread tomorrow just to satisfy this craving.
    My mom always made her cornbread not sweet.
    I make mine sweet. I think the real country way is for it not to be sweet.
    I've got cornbread on the brain for sure now!!

  5. Your blog is hard to read due to the color of the words not standing out enough against the color of the background. I don't know if anyone else is having trouble, but I thought I let you know.

  6. Now Junie, you get yourself and your husband right on over here, I'll let you both do the cooking and I will gladly set the table!! my husband will get out the beers..........We have never had cornbread in our lives let alone having it in buttermilk, infact I have never had buttermilk either :)

    So when should I expect you both......better find a skillet is that right! lol lol lol lol!

    What a great post I see you are tempting others to start cooking :)

    See you again real soon.
    Lee-ann ~ In Australia

  7. Dear Junie, I've never had cornbread before so can you and Charles please come over and make some for me??? hehe Oh dear, that does look like you had a wonderful supper, everything looks so delicious. Cornbread is not something my mom ever made so I was never introduced to it...they don't even have it in restaurants around here. As I told Tammy when she posted about it...I'm soooo deprived! lol xox

  8. Hi Lee-Ann,

    LOL- would love to visit you if all we have to do is cook the cornbread and beans!

    I guess buttermilk is not a favorite of all but I have always liked it. And it certainly is better in cornbread making...also in eating crumbled into the buttermilk! LOL- I know that probably seems strange to ppl who have never tried it! :) I'm sure it's more of a deep south tradition here than in other parts of our country.

    Thanks so much for visiting me here . I'll see you soon.


  9. Hi Pea,

    Well, you seldom find it in restaurants here either- at least , not the kind we make at home! Most cornbread served in restaurants is the sweet kind-as in muffins! It's good...but just not the kind we like to make.

    :) You should give it a try, Pea! You're such a good cook I know you could turn out some good cornbread!

    ...LOL- remember do it with bacon grease and buttermilk!



  10. Dear JD,

    Huuum...had no idea anyone was having trouble reading my type here. No one else has mentioned it and it looks fine from my side....

    About the corn bread- I have had the sweetened kind but prefer the way we make it much better...especially to eat with beans or greens- lol- or in a cup of buttermilk!

    Thanks for reading my posts!
    (and sorry there's a problem with seeing it!)


  11. Hi Mary (Momma)

    :) you've had some experience with corn bread!

    (I always think of it as more of a food of the south)

    Take care,


  12. Hi Ann,

    I'm so happy to see you back posting!!

    As for cornbread and beans...I like those little navy beans too. And I really like the limas-especially the baby limas.

    As for eating cornbread in buttermilk...:) I guess it does seem strange to ppl who have never seen it done or tried it! To me it's a unique taste and a treat which I like to enjoy every now and then!

    Thanks for coming over!


  13. ;0

    Thanks, b13,

    You'll just have to come down south to find out how good cornbread is...:) and buttermilk!

  14. I like milk and bread but not buttermilk. I do love buttermilk in my cornbread though! I'll bet that cornbread of C's is delicious!!! Sure looks good. I don't care for the sweet cornbread either. I can eat it, but it's not the best.

    What a wonderful meal you had!! Yum!!!

  15. Thanks Rachel!

    Yep- C. makes excellent corn bread!


  16. Junie Rose!!!
    Ya'll made all that and didn't invite me????

    Boy Howdy those beans look good!!!!

  17. Now, Tammy, you know you're always welcome for supper here!

    Actually- most of what I ate was the cornbread and buttermilk!

    LOL- looks like you and me done started somethin' with all this talk of country cookin! haha

    Junie Rose
