Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Another one of those days......

...Again I have messed up my side bar! What happened was I was trying to put these slide shows on the side - (in smaller size- so they would stay available for viewing)
...well... somehow I managed to lose my blog favorites links from my side bar and can't seem to figure out how to fix it! :( I need my granddaughter, Alli to come up and help me! Maybe I can get her up later this afternoon! I hope so!

~~ It's not always fun being GINGA! ;( ~~


Anyway, with thoughts of fall on my mind , I wanted to change my desktop picture again! This is what I will be looking at for the next few days!

Hope you are all having a better day than I am!

Junie Rose


  1. Right now I have a Van Gogh still life (fruit) on my desktop. I believe I'll borrow your leaves. We don't get a lot of the changing colors here.

    It's one of the few times I miss the Mohawk Valley in New York. Autumn there was breathtaking.

  2. Hi Ann,

    I can just imagine how pretty NEW YORK state is!

    I love fall color- tho we have little of it here!

    Enjoy the leaves! :)


  3. LOL...laughing with you not at you ;)

    I can't see the screen shot...maybe another time!

    Love & Hugs!

  4. :( ...but I not laughing- I crying!! haha- not really- but what a frustrating time I've had today!!

    But I'll get it all back together!


  5. Awww I wish I lived close by so that I could go help you out. I always back up my template before I try to do any changes or additions, just in case! lol Love that desktop picture you'll be using...I just changed mine today too, this time it's a country road with the trees all in the Autumn splendor:-) Here's to a better day tomorrow dear friend! xox

  6. You have some pretty pictures in your slide shows, Junie! I'm glad you've learned how to make those. I still haven't! Sorry you messed up your sidebar again... it's easy to do any time you play with the template!

  7. Thanks ,

    Pea and Skye,

    AH-Yah- very easy for me to mess up!

    However-I do have it somewhat under control...Just have to get all my links back in ( and I really miss having them there!!!

    :( Could not figure out how to make
    those slides small enough for the side! Oh, well!

  8. Hi Junie!

    Boy, I can relate-- I want to swap my right & left sides of my page but my template won't let me w/out losing a bunch of stuff. But my pc has gone quirky on me now too, so I haven't been blogging much anyway. I'm shopping for a new pc. Any suggestions?

    I love your leaf photo. Did you take it? The spider is pretty cool too ;)

  9. We oft repeat my Dad's admonition when we have trouble with something.
    "Never use force, just get a bigger hammer."

  10. Hi Carolyn,

    Yes, I read that you are shopping for a computer! :) I am definitely NOT a person you should ask about anything to do with computers! LOL

    Yes I did take that picture last fall in NC...and a lot more! Did you see my slides? Lol- figured out how to do that but NOT how to put it on my side bar ( in smaller size.)

    Oh well- I'm gonna give it up for the night, I think!

    Thanks for coming over- and hope yer back to posting more soon.


  11. Cliff,

    If I had a hammer handy today this old MAC might be smashed into tiny pieces by now! ;(

    Days like to day I wonder "Who am I and what the heck am I doing here!!!"

    lol- but I think I got it all under control now!!! hahaha


  12. I hope that your granddaughter made it over to help you out, because I know how frustrating that can be. I've never tried putting video on my blog and probably never will because there's nobody near me who can help me. I hope you get things back in order like you'd like them.

    Tomorrow will be a better day.

  13. Ooooooooooooooo, how pretty!! I love your desktop wallpaper! The colors are stupendous.

    Hope you're doing well Junie.

  14. Hi Sandy,

    Well, I got things fixed- somewhat!
    But am afraid to tackle the slide thing again!(getting them on the side)

    Today was a better one!


  15. Hi Anni,

    I like that picture of leaves, too.
    Though not as colorful as some- I just like the contrast of the bright ones against the brown- and the way they are arranged!

    Thanks for looking!

    Oh- today was a better day- Thank goodness! Hope you are doing ok, too!


  16. Is that leaf picture one you took yourself, or did you find it somewhere else? It's very pretty! I must confess I've often used your photos (particularly sunset ones) for my desktop background! At the moment, though, I have a picture of my kids at the beach on Tuesday as my background! They look cute, all digging in the sand. :)

  17. Hi Skye,

    Yes, the pic is one of mine from our trip to NC last year.

    :) I'm pleased if you use my pictures sometimes...that you like them that much! But of course your kids are cuter! :)

    BTW- tried to visit your site yesterday but there was a problem- I couldn't get past your profile page!- haven't tried yet today.

