Thursday, October 04, 2007

10~4~07 random stuff

( Click on pics to enlarge )

( dried herbs and flowers hanging at my kitchen/nook window)

Hi folks,

This morning I had a doctor's appointment and , naturally, that meant that I would wake long before my usual time.

Oh...not that the appointment time was that early (10:00 AM)...but the fact I had it on today's plan is what threw a monkey wrench into my day! Always happens...anything coming up, out of the ordinary of my normal day, is sure to shorten my hours of sleep!

And nothing more so than a doctor's appointment - this one, especially, as it was with a new doctor for me...a new GYN.

My former doctor had stopped his practice early this year... putting me in the spot of having to find a new doctor. I had put off for several months making an appointment with a new doctor...until-nearly a year past time for my check-up! I couldn't put it off any longer...thus - this very undesirable day had to be endured, finally!

And it's over for another year! YAY! (Hopefully, the labs will be ok.)

OK- I came home and just had to crash out in my bed for a couple hours, however, daytime naps never seem to refresh me, no matter how tired I am.

I keep saying to myself, "Tomorrow is another day - a chance for a brand new start."

Tomorrow I must get to the supermarket. Meanwhile, there's dinner to think about tonight! I have no idea what I can fix tonight! Oh well! There's always eggs and bacon and grits & buttered toast in an emergency situation! We'll manage.


One good thing was accomplished this week (in addition to getting that dreaded doctor visit out of the way, that is) and that was getting Peachy-Poo to the dog groomer. Poor little girl was a mess. She's clipped very close now but at least I can keep her cleaner this way and keep the fleas off. Fleas are a BIG problem here for dogs and cats. Peachy is old and not in great health...I just want to do my best for her as long as I can.

I think Peaches misses Sadie. They always slept side by side in their little baskets in our family room.

It's so sad when they get old and things start to go wrong- Very sad to lose them- and very hard and expensive to take care of them. I have decided I will not get any new pets after the ones still with me are gone! (things are winding down)

This young mom and baby girl are our neighbors. They stopped in for a visit one morning this week. They (Dad,mom and baby) rent the little cottage on our place here. Look at that cute little face! :)
Nothing more precious than a baby's sweet innocence!


Some random shots of my flowers- etc. These were made yesterday afternoon around our place.

~ Hanging in There ~

Junie Rose


  1. It's always a relief to get that kind of checkup over with for another year.
    Love all your garden pics and Peachy looks like a real sweetie :)

  2. Oh gosh, I'm just like you, if I know I have a doctor/dentist appointment I can barely sleep the night before!! Glad you got through it ok and fingers crossed that the results are fine!! Peachy is so adorable and I've no doubt she misses her friend. What a precious little baby your neighbours have...look at that expressive face! lol Love the pictures of your flowers and I've never seen a butterfly that colour, beautiful!! xox

  3. Hi Susie,

    Yep- You're right about that- a relief for sure!

    Peachy is a sweetie , tho not a clingy type as some poodles are.

  4. Hi Pea,

    Yes- I let things like that bother me too much, I think!

    Glad you enjoyed my flower pics- and the butterfly. I see a lot of those yellow ones, but you can't get them with their wings spread- as with some. They all hang like this one when they are on the flowers.

    Yes- that's a cute little baby girl!


  5. Great photos - especially the baby with the wide eyes, maybe it saw the lizard posted just below them. :) ec

  6. I hope the lab results are good!!

    Beautiful flowers Junie

  7. Hi Anni,

    Yes- I expect a good report as I have had no problems that I'm aware of.

    Thanks for coming and looking at my flowers and stuff!


  8. Hi ec,

    :) She's a cute baby...I just love seeing them at that age when they are just beginning to discover the wonders around them!

    Thanks for coming by.


  9. Hi June ~~ Glad you got the doctor visit over and hope the results are
    fine. Hope Tina is doing well.
    I love the dried arrangement you have
    hanging by the kitchen window, and
    all the pics from your garden.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  10. I'm glad you reminded me...I need to make a gyn appt (the yearly kind...ugg)
    I hope all of your labs come back well!

    And you know, I was just thinking instead of a lunch which I always make, breakfast items would be good instead. I used to love to eat breakfast for supper.

    I'm like you my friend and say "No more pets for me!" it just hurts too bad when they are gone no matter what the circumstances...

    The wee baby is cute and it was a nice visit I bet!

    As for your garden pictures, I nearly missed the little lizard as he blended in so well with the pot...nice shot!

    Have a great day!

  11. Hi- my friends, Tammy and Merle,

    Just want to thank you both for visiting. I appreciate it.



  12. Your flowers are so pretty!
    I don't do anything like that here.
    Stuff grows, then my husband mows and we trim a few branches and bushes, then the yard is done.

    Once a month, we use Advantage gel from our vet to keep the fleas off the cats. It costs a little more, but less scratching for them and us makes it all worthwhile.

    Baby neighbor who comes to visit is so precious! I well remember how the retirees next door were so nice with my sons, like adopted grandparents.
    It was good for all of us, like the saying "It takes a village to raise a child".


  13. Mrsdof,

    Yes, I use Advantage too- but it doesn't always work well enough. But the cheaper stuff doesn't work at all!!

    Thanks for coming over!


  14. That baby is really cute!!

    I have my gyno appt coming up. I dread it, but we ladies have to keep on top of our health.

    Your flower pots & flowers look pretty.
