Thursday, October 25, 2007

She's back!

Hi folks,

Alli is of the belief that 2 heads are better than one in some situations...


those 2 parts of Ginga in the background are hoping she's right about this!
(all 20 fingers are crossed!)


This is a new fun feature of my new Mac~~~ a camera built right into the screen!!

(Alli likes it and all the weird things she can do with it!)

Frankly, My Dears, I'd give anything to have my old familiar Mac back!
The screen on this new one is huge~ 12X18, I think~~~ and it sits up high and gives me a pain in the neck! Really!

~ I have been able ( Or Alli has) to get my AOL and email and IM back as they were ~ lol~ and I still have that ton of junk emails I need to delete. Oh! And my favorites are still there! (I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find anything or anybody!) And I got Firefox set up too- as well as Safari- so I'm pretty much set to go!


Only concerns I still have, actually, are my files from the other computer! Marc, my SIL, tells me he's about 85% sure he can save them!
Now I wonder how he came up with that number of 85%! :)

Oh well- It's out of my hands - whatever!!


You DO know I don't like changes - right?

...But I am back~for better or worse!



  1. Welcome back Junie. I'm not always up for changes either sweetie...good luck with all your new updates. It all falls into place after a while.

  2. I'm glad you're almost all set up and ready to go with your new mac. My grandson has a saying: He's changing the world one mac at a time. He's sold on them.

    I hate changes and I try to back up and save my stuff monthly but I've been lazy and haven't done it for about 2 months. One day I'll come home to a dead pc and wished I had saved my stuff to discs.

    I've been seriously thinking of buying another hard drive...I think they call them external drives or something. My brother always has one for backup, but one day his backup quit working and they lost almost 11 years of pictures. Luckily his sil is a computer guy and I think was able to retrieve his pics.

    Was the rest of your home affected by the storm? Hope all is well.

  3. Hi Junie nice to see you back on, you will soon get used to the new features on your mac...

  4. Hooray! You're back!! I bet that was awful, being cut off from the world for five days!!! I know exactly what you mean about trying to get used to a new computer... it makes me grumpy every time! But you will soon feel right at home on it, I know.

    Hilarious picture of the two-headed Alli! I wish I could have an extra head sometimes... as well as an extra set of hands... and legs... oh, okay - why not just a whole extra ME to get things done around here!! :)

  5. Hi June, its a good thing your new Mac replaced a Mac and not a PC, thats when the troubles can start I believe.

  6. hi Peter,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes, I'm sure with a different kind of computer things would have been a lot harder for me .- I'm hopeful my son-in-law will know what to do to recover my lost files...if not- I'll just have to go on from here anyway.

    I'm way behind with my blog reading but will try to catch up soon.


  7. Thanks Joy,

    It's good to be back- even if it's all a bit confusing!


  8. Hi Sandy,

    Our TVs were all knocked out but no real damage...

    I usually do back up my files but had let things go for a few weeks. Mostly pictures around our place is what I lost-and a few personal emails I wanted to keep. Funny thing, I had planned to put all on a disk at the end of Oct. :)

    Anyway, it's good to be back online- tho it will take me awhile to get caught up with everyone.

    Thanks for coming by.


  9. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for coming by today and the other times also.

    Well, things are looking more familiar to me now as I have everything back, pretty much, as I had them before. (except for my lost files)

    Will try to catch up with blogs soon.


  10. Hi Skye,

    Thanks so much for hanging in there with me.

    It's good to be back, even if things are a bit different with this new computer. I'll get used to it.

    LOL- Yes, that camera feature is kinda fun...Alli had fun fooling around with it anyway!

    Will catch up with my blog reading soon.

