Monday, October 01, 2007

A long look back...

( These pics are at 2 mo. and 4-1/2 mo. )

Today is the actual date of my first baby girl's birth. She was a few hours old at this time of the day.
(mid- morning, I'm writing this)
I had already held her and knew she was beautiful and as it usually is with Moms and new babies- it was love at first sight! Well, actually, she was already loved before she arrived into the world...but now I could see this little one and get to know her!

It's been a fun trip down this long and winding road!

Happy Birthday, Tammy Boo!

With love,


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet Tammy....then...and now. What a beautiful little face....then...and now. You're a great mom Junie!

  2. Happy Birthday to Tammy!! What a precious little baby she was and she's now a beautiful woman you can be very proud of! I'm glad you were able to go have a birthday meal with her, that cake sure looked yummy!! Hope Tina is recovering well from her surgery! xox

  3. Thanks,
    Joy and Pea.

    :) Well, I know I had precious and beautiful babies!
    ( Happiest years of my life- being a young mommy!)


  4. I know you were so proud. I have only been a young Daddy - long ago - but there is nothing like those babies when they came along. And now the girls are supplying many more for me to love. ec

  5. ec,

    You're right! Nothing like our precious babies- and then the grandbabies! :( I miss all that a lot... I'm a little farther along than you, I think, as some of yours are still little!

    LOL- but I got lots of sweet memories.

