Thursday, October 18, 2007

Our day today...

We are enjoying our company. They arrived just in time for dinner last night and we had this ...a rotisserie lemon-pepper chicken dinner. My sister and her husband here in Ocala came up too, and brought some pies for dessert! We all had a good visit and the food was yummy, too!

We got together again tonight but this time we all met at a restaurant...all us old folks... and my girls, Tina and Allison joined us! It was at a steak place but I had a chicken meal. I don't often eat steak!

Here are some pics of all of us! The ones opposite C. and me are my bro Ray and sister-in-law- Frances. Next to me is my sis, Joy -and her husband Mike is across the table from her. That's Alli and Tina at the end of the table.( in one of the group pics my sis Joy is unseen, there behind me! :( Sorry Joy!)


Earlier in the afternoon our neighbor, Michelle, and her sweet little baby girl stopped in to see us! Ariana is a very cute Pirate ... all set for her first Halloween! :) She's such a happy baby-always with a big smile on her little face!
( Can you tell I looove babies?)

Update on Tina:

She was told by her doctor she will not be able to return to work for another 4 weeks!
Is healing well, so we're thankful... The rest will work out...


I am making a trip with my bro and SIL tomorrow to visit a sister in Lale Placid. That's about a 2 hour drive south of us. It will just be a day trip for us . Charles is unable to go as he has 'cowboy stuff' already on his agenda for tomorrow! :( Wish he could go with us!

...Anyway, what I need to do now is get to bed and hope for some good rest for tomorrow's trip! I never feel rested these days!



  1. What a wonderful lookin' meal. And an adorable costume :)

  2. The lemon-pepper chicken is one of my favorites. I looked like everyone had a good time at the restaurant. ec

  3. ec,

    I like the lemon Chicken a lot, too. They make good ones at Wal-mart and other markets- but I have a little oven at home that does them just as well! Yummy!!

  4. Thanks for coming by, b13.

    Yep- a cute costume on that baby!

  5. Great time with your friends looks wonderful.

    You certainly can see how much you love babies Junie....and how could you not. Ariana is just adorable. Love the picture of the two of you.

  6. Looks like a wonderful meal and a good get together.

    That is one cute baby!!

    Enjoy your trip!

  7. First of all that chicken looks so good! I love lemon pepper chicken!

    I'm so glad you are having fun times with your relatives!

    Baby Ariana is a wee doll! I'd be moochin' up on her too...I enlarged the picture and the eyelashes on that gal are amazing!

    Best wishes for Tina!

    Love & Hugs to you!

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your guests...look at that yummy food! Like you, I prefer chicken to steak! lol Your neighbour's little girl is absolutely gorgeous, it's no wonder you love having her visit you:-) Such a precious little pirate!! Hope you had a fun time visiting your sister today! xox

  9. The chicken looks good as well as the night out. You're busy.
    You've got a cute little neighbor. Her baby's cute too.

  10. hahaha

    Yah- cute baby~
