Sunday, October 28, 2007

The saddest day~

Today has been a nightmarish day for all of us here.

This morning, after I had put my post on the blog here, Charles came in from outside.
He had got a call on his cell phone with word that my nephew had died.

He died in his sleep of a heart attack early this morning, at age 53.

They (Phil and his wife and grandson) had just moved to NC about 3 weeks ago- near his mother and dad.

Phil is the son of my sister Dolores and her husband , Ernest! They lost their other son, Paul, and a granddaughter, just 3 years ago.(together , in a motorcycle accident caused by a drunk driver)

The whole day has seemed like a dream- a nightmare! Arrangements are not yet made but I will be going up and will be gone for 2-3 days. Nothing is for sure yet but my sister Joy and I may be driving up- maybe Tina and Allison too. We can't make plans until we know more. It may be as late as mid-week.

I can't imagine anything worse than what my sister is going through tonight.


When our Phil was a baby, my sis Joy and I were still kids. (I was 12- Joy 9) Our sister Dolores was living with us when this little boy was born. Her husband was serving in the army in Germany. Phil was so very special to us all~ especially to Joy and me!

I just can't grasp the fact that he's gone- as well as his brother.

Sometimes life is just so sad...

I know I will have a restless sleep tonight but I have to try.

This is us (June, Joy, Daddy) with Phil when he was our little baby boy.



  1. Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to your entire family. That will leave such a big hole in your lives.

  2. What terrible news; how awful for all of you, and your sister in particular. I am so sorry, Junie.

  3. Thanks, Cliff.

    It's always hard , especially losing the younger ones. And this is the 2nd. son my sister has lost!
    This has to be so hard for them- it is for all of us!


  4. Thank you so much, Skye.


    (I will be back to visit you after a few days)


  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your nephew. We sometimes wonder why those so young leave too soon. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

  6. Dear Junie, I am so sorry to hear this very sad news, as you say, one can't even imagine what your sister is going through. They say there is nothing worse than losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time. ((((JUNIE))))xoxo

  7. Junie, I'm so sorry.

    I'm one who can imagine what your sister is going through; at least to some extent. We're not supposed to outlive our kids.

    My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  8. Thanks to you all for your comments_


    Momma (Mary)


    It helps to know that people care.



  9. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I'm sorry to hear of your sister's loss. He was far too young. At 58, I am grateful that I haven't had the problems associated with getting older yet. I hope his suffering was short. Take comfort in the caring of all your friends and your family.

  10. Thanks, Bob

    (I assume this is my old friend Bob C. from the music forum- right?)

    Junie Rose

  11. Junie...I'm so sorry to hear of the death of your nephew. My love to you and Charles and your family.

  12. Well, Miz June, I'm late to getting your news as I have been super busy.

    I just want to extend my condolences to you and your family during this sad time!

    I wish you safe travels as you go to the funeral...

    Huge (((Hugs))) for you today!

  13. Thanks so much.
    Means a lot to have so many people who care.



  14. Dear Junie,
    I'm sorry to be so late relaying my condolences to you and to your entire family.
    My prayers are with you as you travel and gather together for the service.
