Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saturday at the farm ~ 10~06~07

We were all set to walk out the door- to go to breakfast and go to take Mom some fall flowers~~

... then the door bell rang. It was a farmer-neighbor who buys hay from Charles...when C. has extra to sell. OK- Plans are on hold as C. goes to make the hay deal...

I wait...
It looked like breakfast out was nixed for today so I decided to have some breakfast on my own! I had this yummy pumpkin muffin and a banana- and my 3rd. cup of coffee of the morning.

Awhile later he returns -all excited...This neighbor has purchased some new cows and offered to sell C. a pregnant one...or trade for several loads of hay! This is a purebred but I forget what he said she is...but deep red in color!

OK- her name will be Big Red #2-(we had a Big Red before) I will get down for a picture later...before I get all the little bits and pieces of this post together!
He's back now so we'll be going out to visit Mom. I try to do this at least once every couple months, and take her seasonal flowers. I miss her very much still. It will be 5 years in January.


Cow Update:
She is a Santa Gertrudis So we decided to call her 'Gertrude!' She wasn't too willing to pose for me but I managed to get this one picture of her!


Visit with Mom~~~

It started to rain just as I was fixing up Mom's flowers out I had to rush to finish up with the arranging. I wasn't happy with the finished job but it will have to do for now! (Mom would tell me,"Honey, don't worry about it!") It always leaves me feeling very sad to visit, but still, I want to as often as I am able.

There have been so many changes in our family in the almost 5 years that Mom has been gone...In many ways it seems our family has fallen apart. Some minor things - some major things. I'm thinking of the over-all picture of Mom's family~ not just my immediate family! ...But in our part of the family there have been some big happenings, too.
Just life!!

Today has been rainy and gloomy all day here! The rain is needed but still these days get me down! Mom always looked forward to the blue sky days of October. She loved this time of year...but this hasn't been her kind of day at all! Tomorrow will be better~ I'm counting on it! :)


My guys have plans for watching Gators vs LSU later tonight! I sure hope it goes well~ They both love to watch the games...but only if our team wins! :)

ME? I'm not into watching at all these days!
I will be listening to music or, maybe, turning in early. I have so much trouble sleeping these days/nights, I am always tired.

Snacks for dinner- because I'm not cooking...


One more thing I'd like to show you... look at this picture! This is a weed growing next to a garden flower! :) Which is prettier?

Hard for me to choose!

( I have fun with my i-photo- picture program! :) )



  1. I like the blue flowers better. Are they the weed?

    Santa Gertrudis cattle are beautiful. Win Rockefeller, the governor or AR years ago, introduced the breed (I think) into the state. I love that shade of red.

  2. Hi Ann,
    Well I hadn't even heard of this breed of cattle. They are BIG- and very good looking cows!

    The flowers: no- the little white flower is the weed-and a very pesky one around a garden...but it's pretty!

    (I played around with that picture to make it more spectacular! :) )


  3. They're both pretty flowers in my book. Did you know that weeds in some parts of the country are considered flowers in other parts? (I just made that up).

    Does Gertrude bite? I finally got to pet a cow, well Jimmy said it was a steer, but they're all cows to me. Gertrude is pretty...I love her red color.

    Sorry about your mom. I know when my husband died everything changed although he was my ex at the time (we had been married for over 30 years) and it was a life altering change for all of us. I never knew pain until that moment and I still miss him and cry when I think of him. I imagine it's much the same way with your mom.

    Sending Hugs your way.

  4. I'm catching up reading your latest posts. Little Peaches is so cute. It's so hard when they get old, and expensive, as you said. My Pup will be 10 this month. He's such a sweetheart though. I dread the getting older stuff.

    Alice Cooper is pretty spooky there with the other Halloween stuff!

    Gertrude is a beauty. I have never heard of that breed of cattle before.

    The flowers for your Mom's grave are beautiful. So nice that you take flowers as much as you do. I don't get to my parents cemetery very often at all. I wish I could, or there would be more flowers there!

  5. Gertrude will get huge!! The ones I saw in Arizona were humungous!!! Of course they were bulls tho, that may be a different story with a cow.

    The flowers you chose for your mother were lovely.

    AND!!! The photo of the 'weed and the flower'------I'm not sure either is a weed!!!

    Oh and one more thing? Do you have a recipe for the muffins?

  6. Hi Anni,

    The muffins~ no, I don't have a recipe. Bought them at Wal-Mart! :) But they really were very good.

    That new cow is BIG ...bigger than most of our others...and I think the bulls reach around 2000 pounds! Yikes! That's a lot of hamburger!

    The white flower is the weed in that picture. ( can't think of the name at the moment)


  7. Rachel,

    Thanks for catching up with me again here.

    Yes, I am thankful I can visit my Mom's grave often and take flowers. My dad, tho, is buried in Alabama and I only get to go there usually once a year.

    Alice Cooper does look spooky on that but he's just fun to watch- for me!

    Yep- little Peachy is sweet- and she was 11 yrs. old this past June.
    Sadie (the one I recently lost) was the same age.

    Take care,


  8. Hi Sandy,

    Thanks for coming by.

    :) The little white flower is the weed but I agree with you - it's pretty, too. Can't think of the name but it's really invasive in the garden. Anyway- I thought that made a pretty picture- the 2 together! LOL- and I didn't have the heart to yank it out yet, e


    Yep, that new cow is real pretty- LOL- I don't get close enough to pet any of the cows- but I'm not afraid to walk among them...except for their size.

    My mom was 94 when we lost her almost 5 years ago. There's never a day I don't think of her. She lived with us for several years so it's been a big adjustment- not having her here any more.

    Thanks Sandy,

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I have fallen in love with Gertrude. She has the most soulful eyes. It would be impossible for me to live on a farm, I get much to attached to the farm animals. Even now, I am thinking, "Where would I put a cow like Gertrude?" Yah Right, the township would have me out on my butt before Gertrude and I knew what hit us. LOL

  10. :)
    Hi Maria,

    Well... Gertrude is a very pretty cow- but I don't get too attached to any of them anymore. I did more when my grandkids were still kids and interested in our farm. There was more of a connection then. I still do like to see the new calves that come along and name them.( but knowing they will usually be sold at a few months of age)

    Thanks for stopping by.

