Saturday, October 13, 2007

Victory Ride ~Oct 13, 2007

After spending some time at Pea's big birthday bash early today,
( an enchanted party sponsored by Pea's fairy friends) Charles had asked if I wanted to go for a ride on the Victory! Of course I said, "YES! Of course!"

Looking at the pictures of me I have to wonder if I was successful in shaking off all the fairy dust that was used to make guests small enough to enter through the fairy door and into the enchanted world of fairies where Pea's party was held! Surely, I was a bit taller- just yesterday! :( Oh, well-something to ponder.....

...As it turned out I was still, indeed, tall enough to climb upon the Victory behind my husband.
Here we are getting ready to go-and another of me as we're riding! Lol! I like making these pictures and recording our rides - silly me!


It was a beautiful day for riding, with the cooler temps and the LoveBugs of September, gone! (until next year in May and again in Sept,) We headed out for a Hardee's chicken biscuit-which we hadn't had in quite some time! They were superb - as they always are!

~~~ Charles says, (after we finished eating) "Which way?" I replied,"Doesn't matter. I'll just follow you!" :)

And it's true I don't usually care in which direction we go. The riding is the attraction and all the scenery is pretty to see-no matter which way we go!

I , sort of, had in mind some roadside, fall flowers. As it happened, tho, we didn't see a lot of that today-just mostly farms and horse ranches. I didn't get a lot of pictures today.

The yellow flowers are Goldenrod.


We also did a few yard sales!

I found this Halloween guy to add to my collection!
He's more cute than scary! He'll probably be rediculed by my other scary guys...that is -if they even make an appearance around here this time!

...And this poodle planter I just had to have! Isn't he cute!!


Every time we ride I realize all over again how lucky we are, Charles and I, to have found something we both enjoy doing together so much- and to be healthy enough to still do it! :) Also- to live in such a pretty and ideal place for riding!

It was a good day!

Junie Rose


  1. Wonderful pictures! I'm glad you could still fit after going through that small door at Pea's!! It was a very small door wasn't it??

    Riding is fun and you are truly blessed to be able to ride like that together.

    Goldenrod is our state flower.

    Love your yard sale finds!

  2. You know, Junie, I think your Victory ride posts are my favorite of all your posts... and I love how you always post a picture of yourself riding along! :) It makes me laugh... I love silliness! I am very happy for you and Charles, too, that you both enjoy your Victory rides together so much. :)

  3. Hi Rachel,

    :) Pea's fairy party was fun- lol
    ...and I thought I could maybe get by with my being so short(and getting shorter!!) on that fairy dust that was used to make us all small! :)

    ...just having some silly fun-

    It was a nice day for riding and we both DO enjoy it a lot.

    We bot enjoy yard sales too- tho tend to look for different things!!

    I love all wild flowers. Goldenrod are very pretty and showy here this time of year!


  4. Hi Skye,

    Happy you enjoy our rides! :) lol- Yes- I like doing those self photos! Mainly, tho, I just like to document everything! LOL- I know- over time- all these posts are pretty much the same! I don't care! hahaha- It's my blog- right?


  5. Happy B-day to Pea!!

    I enjoyed all the pics, especially the closeup one of you while you were riding. You look like you are having FUN!!

    You had some good garage sale finds too.
    What a nice day!

  6. Hi June, well I'm home and just about caught up on my blog reading, not enough time to comment on individual posts, only enough to say hi and now it will be only a matter of keeping up.

  7. Hi JD,

    Yes, we do have fun on the rides. Now that it's cooler , hope to ride more often.

  8. Hi Peter,

    Happy to see you here. I have been reading about your trip and looking at your fabulous pictures!

  9. HI June ~~ What wonderful rides you and Charles have together. It is great that you both enjoy the same things, except at yard sales.
    Thanks for the comments, glad you enjoy. Take care, Love, Merle.
    PS How is Tina doing?

  10. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by.

    We do enjoy the rides a lot.

    Tina seems to be recovering ok- Will be off awhile longer. Thanks for your concern.


  11. I'm still trying to clean up all the faerie dust around me! hehe I'm so glad you enjoyed my birthday party:-) And I'm also glad that you were able to enjoy a Victory ride also...I guess if you had stayed small, Charles could have put you in his shirt pocket! lol Love all the pictures and I also love what you found at the yard sales. xox

  12. :)

    Yes- yer party was fun!

    ...and the ride was, too!


  13. Jimmy & I both enjoy riding ourselves and the weather here has been perfect for it. I miss riding behind Jimmy and wish he would get behind me sometime, but he insists on riding his own bike. hehehe

  14. Sandy,

    I never imagined how much fun riding would be and wouldn't ride when I was young...just started after age 60! :) I admire you for riding your own bike. I couldn't do that...but I enjoy being behind my husband.
