Monday, November 05, 2007

Got my stuff back!!!

I have to say I'm relieved with the outcome of this day because my son-in-law, Marc, got home and was able to save all my 'Stuff!' I was afraid a lot of my personal files and pictures were lost to me...some things that I hadn't yet backed up on disks.

In addition, he did a lot of upgrades. And of course all of that has me really confused, as you might expect! But I'll figure it all out- or just Fake it- whatever it takes! ;)

Looking through my recovered i-photo files I came across this picture of me with baby Phil and Nona and Stevie! These first babies of my older sisters and brother were so very dear to Joy and me...we being the younger girls and still at home with Mom and Dad. I was 10 when our first 2 nieces came along. Nona (the first) looks to be about 3 - in this so I was probably 13... Stevie was probably about 2 and Phil
younger than that. Baby Phil is the little boy I'm holding next to my face!

I LOVED those babies so much!!

My sister Joy and I would have a total of 10 nieces and nephews come along before we were married and had our own babies.

I have had my sister and all of them on my mind a lot today. It's so very sad for everyone.

I also found this picture taken Oct. '06 at our place here. This is my sister with her son, Phil and his daughter, Angela.

This was a happy family gathering for us all.

Remembering Phil~




  1. The old photos really do bring back a lot of memories, mostly good ones because we try to forget the ones not so pleasant. ec

  2. I know you're grateful to have such precious and wonderful memories as well as photos. They will be what helps get your through this very difficult time..

  3. I'm so glad to hear you got your "stuff" back!

    But I'm sad that you are still feeling sad!

    Here is a cyber (((hug)))
    Love YOU!

  4. Thanks for all your nice comments~

    Mr Eddie


