Saturday, November 10, 2007


Today was one of those days when things just overwhelmed me.

All the recent sadness we've had , of course, was a part of it... I talked with my sister in NC yesterday for the first time since I got hard to find any comforting words for them.

...But also the holidays just around the corner and me with so much to do to prepare and make things merry for everyone, has me frustrated.

I have some big cleaning jobs to do in the that I never seem to have time or energy to get around to. I found myself in tears today, more often than not- with the magnitude of it all!

Again we talked about selling our place here and getting something smaller and easier to take care of... I guess we will just talk and never make a decision on it. We have so much stuff, after all these many years... It would be such a task...and so hard to just throw my things away!

I have very mixed feelings about the idea of moving!

I think I don't want to do that more often than I do want to !

Still, it just seems too much sometimes-the big house and especially all the area we have as the yard to take care of. As usual- my gardening got completely sidetracked with the hot summer. Everything is so overgrown and weed infested now!! We never did get the rose beds mulched- even tho I did a lot of work cleaning them out in the early part of summer ! Would have been so much easier if we had bought mulch for those beds... :( Now- they are at the point where it will take another major clean out to get them halfway nice for the holidays! Guess I should hope for a big freeze, early in this season, to kill stuff back for me!!!

...I just wish life could be easier-and more FUN!


Also - the cat decided he was tired of being confined to the back porch and found the hole in the screen (Which was not repaired, tho I DID request it be!) and disappeared for most of the day! I spent the day- (off and on)- looking for him- and alternating between crying for him and swearing at him! ( silently, in my mind only!) I finally found him late in the afternoon in the overgrown lot next to our place! He was way up under some branches of a fallen tree. Charles had decided to go ahead and replace the screen (properly) so before nightfall I had General all safe again! To prevent the screen from being ripped out again, Charles & Chris cut the General's claws!

Gee- I just wish that old cat would appreciate what we're trying to do here... which is to keep him safe until he recovers from his injuries! Instead, he seems humiliated by all our efforts!

With no way out for either of them, last I looked, Tiger and General were cuddled together in the porch chair! Good! Hope they will just be cool and calm through this night!

Tomorrow gives us another chance to figure things out!


Charles spent hours of this day in painting the cattle trailer he recently bought! (not green- but red!) Oh, yes! It looks better for sure, but it was sooo much work for him....And he breathed in a lot of paint fumes I am sure- His beard and hair were tinted red! I thought of getting a pic but he really looked so exhausted I decided not to alarm anyone with such a picture! This one was after he'd washed his hair and beard.

It would please me, no end, if he'd slow down with this cowboy stuff- but I don't think he ever will! He just bought all those new cows but he decided to keep the others too- at least for now!

I think sometimes how nice it would be if he didn't have this stuff taking up every hour of his days...Maybe the 2 of us could make this house more livable...and have more time to do fun things together, too!

But then there's the $ he gets from the cows at market- so I guess it all balances out!


:) We did take a few minutes to ride a block over from our place to get these shots of our neighbor's hay cutting operation! I find fields of hay very pleasing to look at...very country and Fall-ish!

I made this easy dinner for us!

Chili ~ always good for a cool fall day!

This is the way I like mine- with white rice and Cheddar cheese!

It was yummy!

(with ground beef, of course )

Tomorrow will be a brighter day!

I just know it will be!

Junie Rose


  1. Dear June ~~ I am so sorry you have had a blue day, and hope you feel better for it. Glad the General is back and the screen fixed. Charles'
    trailer looks nice, he works too hard
    Can you get anyone to help you with the household jobs or the garden ?
    It should not be such a worry for you
    Sometimes a good cry makes us feel better. Glad you liked Carl's Garden
    Take great care, dear friend, Love,

  2. Dear Merle,

    I'm feeling much better today-as I expected I would be.

    Funny how that works! :)

    Hope you're having a good day.



  3. Some days are better than others, aren't they?!

    I'm glad today is one of the better ones for you. I am having one of the not-so-better days today! :( But I expect tomorrow will be an improvement.

  4. Skye,

    Yes, we can expect to have good and bad days - for me that's always been true.....and even on the depressing days I'm always thinking,'Tomorrow will be better.' And that's usually the way it turns out!

    I hope your tomorrow is better for you.


  5. I think we all have such days when everything just overwhelms us and we feel we can't handle anything...but, as you say, the next day we always seem to see the brighter side of things:-) Love the red paint that Charles used for the cattle trailer...I can imagine how worried you are about him doing too much but as you say, it's what he loves and it would be hard to take that away from him. I wish I could come over for some of your chili, it looks sooooo yummy and I so love chili!! xoxo

  6. Those down days come, and thankfully, they go.
    Life can get overwhleming sometimes.
    A death in the family is a major emotional blow. The effects from the loss ripple for a long, long, long time, and part of life is never the same again.
    Also, money problems cause anxiety, and the idea of making a major move from your property and your house is also a HUGE thing to have weighing on your mind.
    I have complete confidence that you will get the things done that need to be done for the holidays, and whatever doesn't get done, won't matter all that much any way.
    I hope you are having a good day today.
    I am sending a smile and a cyber hug your way.
    I would have loved to have seen Charles's red-tinted hair and beard!!

  7. Thanks for your concern for me-

    JD and Pea.

    I'm fine today- it was just one of those days which I have now and then.

    I'm sorry to have worried everyone!
    LOL- JD- that red hair and beard was funny to see...and I wished later I had made a picture of it!

    ...and Pea- I wish you could have come for a bowl of chili too! It was just right for the cool day we had yesterday!



  8. Hi Junie,

    I backtracked a little here 'cause this post reminded me of what we were going through the last couple of years, before we finally just did it.

    It is hard to move away from where you've been a while, and accumulated a lifetime of stuff and memories. Ours just got too big and with my hubby gone on his job so much, I couldn't handle it all alone. It was hard to let go at first, but we have adjusted and the work on this new, "old" house is keeping us busy but it's fun. And we're closer to town so dragging groceries in isn't a 45-minute drive anymore. There are bonuses, but sometimes I still miss the pond and the woods.

    Your place is quite beautiful and I can surely understand your mixture of feelings. It does take a big chunk of time to keep up with, but you can also look back and say it's your little piece of heaven.

    You & Charles will know what to do when the time is right :)

  9. Thanks, Carolyn,

    Most of the time I love our house here...I guess I was just having an especially bad day when I did all that 'whining' in that post.
