Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm on his list!

Look who I spotted yesterday!
And I was lucky enough to snap a picture of his long list!
You can plainly see my name at the very top of his list!
(enlarge the picture for proof!)

What's even better, he was among my CDs and DVDs...
as if he's checking to see just what I might need to round out my collection! ;)

Can't wait!

Junie Rose


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I have been reading your Christmas posts and realizing how much I miss those Christmas holidays when I was growing up in Minnesota. Thank you for sharing yours with me and stirring my own memories.

  2. Thanks Maria,

    ...a long time back-those memories.

    I like reaching back in time- especially around Christmas.


  3. G'day from Australia,

    We have a summer (beach) Christmas here in Oz!

  4. Hello David,

    Welcome to my blog! It's always good to see a new face around here- especially someone coming all the way from Australia! :) I have several blog friends in Australia!

    So you will be looking forward to a beach Christmas! Actually, most of my Christmases have been spent in a warm climate too. We lived many years in Miami, Fl and have very little cold weather there.

    Thanks for coming by and I hope you will visit again.

    Oh! BTW- You have posted a most beautiful sunset! ( sunsets-among my favorite things to see!)


  5. Dear June ~~ So glad you made that all important List. I hope mine is on it also. Your Christmas stories have been lovely. Take care, Love, Merle.

  6. ;0 Merle,

    I'm sure you are on that list, too! :)

    Thanks for reading my Christmas memories. I'm happy you enjoyed them.



  7. I sure hope I'm on Santa's GOOD list!!
    I haven't been very naughty at all this year, so I hope he remembers me!!


  8. :) I'm sure you'll make Santa's list, JD.

