Saturday, November 17, 2007

Light up Ocala-one more time!!!

We went down for our annual 'Light up Ocala' event.

Here we are - ready to leave our home .

Every year the crowds get bigger. This year, there were more people than we've ever had... It was like trying to make your way through Disney World! ;) But very festive and pretty and a lot of smiling faces. The weather was perfect, just cool enough for light jackets or sweaters!

We met up with Tina and Alli and 2 of Alli's friends. Of course I got a few pics of everyone!

Alli has tall friends! :)

...Turns out ~ I found me some tall friends too!


Hey~I've been telling you folks I'm a very short lady... ;)

As we were walking around I heard this terrific Beatles music being played by a band performing at the Gazebo in the square. They were singing 'I Saw Her Standing There,' and doing a great job of it! I couldn't even get close enough to the action to get a picture-or even catch the name of the band. They went on to do a couple more Beatles' songs - then a Bob Seger- and then some jazzy stuff I didn't know. They were good and I enjoyed that half hour or so of listening...just standing alone, there.
Charles had gone to find a place to sit - as he was not feeling well (has a cold)_ and the girls and their friends had gone on their way.

Finally, it was the appointed time for all the lights to be turned on-all at once! (300,000 mini-lites, according to the Ocala Star Banner)

Last year, I remember, the downtown square was decorated in all white lights ~ very festive and beautiful!

This year, when the lights were turned on, we see it is done in strings of RED-WHITE & BLUE! It was spectacular!!

We left soon after but I want to go back another night - without the crowds- and see it all again!

A good day here ~ hope yours was too!



  1. My day was nowhere near as fun as your Junie. Love all the pics of you, Charles and the family. Sounds like a great time was had by all.

  2. Looks like such fun. Glad you had a great day :)

  3. Looks like you went as your alter-ego: the little Gnome Lady today, Junie! :)

    What pretty lights... glad you enjoyed it!

    We did a lot of Christmas un-shopping today. That's where you go to a million stores and search for hours, but don't find any of the gifts you're looking for!!

    At least I got a nice new winter jacket! I'll post a pic of it in my blog soon.

  4. Dear June ~~ I'm so glad you had a good night out and I hope Charles is over his cold. Your Harvest loaves look yummy, and I see you are gradually getting a bit of the cleaning, decorating done. It is hard to keep up with all the reading and comments. That's what I am doing tonight, before I post.
    Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  5. Looks like fun!!

    And the harvest loaf below looks scrumptious

    [I have a slide show of Disney on Ice today, which we saw last night]

  6. Thanks,

    Susie and Joy,

    Yes- it was a nice outing for us- and served to get me in a holiday mood a little more.


  7. Looks like you went as your alter-ego: the little Gnome Lady today, Junie! :) (Skye says)


    :) YEP- you're right!

    ...and I know those kind of shopping trips you mean...and I am not looking forward to it. I think my shopping will be greatly decreased this year...


  8. TO:
    Merle and Anni

    Thanks for coming by and for your comments about my Harvest Loaf!

    It really is a good holiday cake and one thing my family expect every time.

    Will visit you both soon.


  9. They sure grow 'em tall in Florida!! lol I don't know how anyone can walk on stilts! Oh, and Alli's friends are also very tall! lol I so enjoyed all the pictures...isn't it just beautiful when there are all these little lights lit up around you?! Yesterday when I went to the Festival of Trees, it was the same thing and it was so awesome. Glad you had such a fun time dear Junie! xox

  10. And I thought they grew 'em tall in Texas, lol! Sure looks like a lot of fun, Junie. Glad you had a great weekend. Ours was pretty good-- chilly, but good :)

  11. How fun!
    I LOVE the photo of you looking MIGHTY short next to those frightfully TALL people.
    Just LOOK at their LONG legs!!!!

  12. :)

    Thanks for your comments-




