Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Look who's back!

Hey Folks,

I awoke this morning at 5:00 AM (after having slept only 5 hours) with a feeling of dread in what the day might bring; or of what it might not bring, regarding my missing cat.
The not knowing is sometimes more stressful than having a bad fact presented to you and having to face it - then and there!

I went over and over in my mind, and with Charles, all of the possibilities of what might have happened to The General. I fretted and cried, off and on, for 3 hours.

I looked around the yard on all sides, as I had done, repeatedly, all day yesterday!
I admonished myself for choosing to let him be an out doors cat and enjoy the freedom cats crave...but still knowing I would not have wanted to confine him. General loved living the life a cat was meant to live...climbing trees- stalking birds- even catching a mouse now and then.


...About 8:00 AM I took Nighty (my ancient little doggy) to secure her for the day in her place outside. ( She sleeps in the porch but is out during the day)

I was feeling very dejected with the recent turn of events. After having lost my little Sadie recently I felt the cat's disappearance was just too much!

I had about decided that, "Yes! Life, indeed, does SUCK!" as some of my young friends would say!

As I turned to walk back to the house, there near the front of our yard was General Franks! I could hardly believe my eyes! He came right to me, but limping. There is no injury that we can find. He appears to be fine except for the slight limp. I think someone had taken him in and had fed him because he was not hungry and doesn't look like he's lost wt.

He came into the house and right away found this cozy spot on my couch among these pillows. He seems to need the rest so I'll let him be for a few hours.

I think he'll be fine.




  1. Hooray! I'm so glad he came back! Scott was certain he would. He said, "Cats almost always come back!" I'm glad he was right. I felt fairly sure General would come back, but not as sure as Scott! HA! Anyway, all's well that ends well.

    You may want to get him checked out by a vet, though. Zoe was limping, a few months back, and we couldn't find any evidence of a leg injury... and it turned out she had an abscess in her lower abdomen, which subsequently burst and required surgery to fix!

  2. :)

    I'm sooo happy he's back!

    I think what he needs most is a lot of rest! We'll see.


  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi Ginga,

    This is Terry. I figured he would be back. When I was a kid, we had cats that would disappear for weeks at a time. Then they would come back all beat up. I think that is just what outdoor cats do.

  4. Hi Terry.

    :) well- we have had that happen in the past too- but I was really worried about General...Well, you know what a special cat he is to all of us!

    He's still resting on the couch. I wish I could know exactly what happened to him because he really is tired.

    Tam IM'd me last night but I missed her- I was out back looking for The General!

    ~hope yer all doing well~


  5. It's been a while since I've seen you visit with, had to drop by to say "hi".

    Yep, our pets are definitely FAMILY!!!! General is a beauty too.

  6. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for coming by- I haven't been visiting blogs as much recently as I have had a lot of personal things happening in our family. ( and none of them good things!)

    Also I don't always post even if I visit-

    Anyway, happy we connected again.
    I always enjoy reading your blog.

    -am happy my cat found his way back home!


  7. Oh my, I'm glad your feeling was wrong and he came home...he looks very happy and comfy...he knows where his bread is buttered as they say!

    Now take a deep breath and be Happy!

  8. Thanks, Tammy,

    I'm very glad I was wrong this time- I think he's gonna be ok

  9. Yippeeeee..what great news to hear that the General is back:-) I can just imagine your reaction when you saw him there! lol Now you wish he could talk so that he could tell you what happened and where he went! hehe I'm really happy for you that he's back, dear Junie! xox

  10. Hi June ~~ What great news that the
    General is back home with you. He will get over the tiredness, he may have walked a long way. I know you will be happy about the General, and I hope you can be happy about the other sad things in your life. Take great care, my friend, Much Love, Merle.

  11. Hi June, good news that General returned and only slightly the worse for wear.

  12. I think the General may have injured his paw pulling the lever on someones LazyBoy whilst sipping one of their beers.
    He doesn't look to me like he was worried sick.
    I'm happy for you that he's back.

  13. Hi Junie, You cant help worry over your pets when they go missing.. Im so pleased general has come home to you even with a limp,

  14. :) Thanks all of you for your comments about my wandering cat

    Cliff-Peter-Merle-Jeanette- Pea

    General seems more perky this morning so I think he'll be ok

  15. I think the General may have just been enjoying some time out with his friends. Perhaps he "partied a little too hearty"
    Glad he's back!!

  16. I'm glad it looks like someone took him in.
    Maybe they saw that he was injured and fed him until he was strong enough to make his way home.
    With your loving care, he'll be good as new in no time.
