Friday, November 16, 2007

Nice surprise!


I had a nice surprise today when I went to visit my friend, Skye's blog!

Take a look here!

Thanks so much, Skye,( and Jaymee) for thinking of me and getting these pictures for me! :) You got some beautiful scenes!

Yes! The post and pictures did make me smile and your thoughtfulness touched me in a very nice way!

This is what blog friendships are all about...maybe what all parts of our lives should be about...doing thoughtful things for each other. Little personal things can mean so much in our lives.

Skye, my
best wishes for you always,

Junie Rose


  1. Thanks Junie!

    We had fun getting those pics for you... and now we get to look at them too! :)

  2. A beautiful collection of some terrific scenes. All for you...that's super!!!

  3. :)

    Thanks, Anni.

    Yep- beautiful autumn scenes!

    ...and a nice surprise from a blog friend.
