Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update on our lives

OK- haven't mentioned this before but I have been worried about Charles. He has been checked out-( after having severe throat pain and some chest pain) and determined to have a Hiatal Hernia. This may require surgery. He'll know more next week after getting back with the doctor.

Surgery would mean weeks of recovery... (and with his one man cow and hay operation ... no one to help him) I can't see him agreeing to that, except as a last resort! We'll see what happens! Maybe it can be treated without surgery!

You can read about this condition here.


Today I finally got out to shop- and as usual- it about got the best of me!' ....But I am pretty much set with my holiday ingredients. I can see it just may work out, after all! :) Tomorrow I plan to do some Harvest Loaves!

I can't even think about venturing out into the unknown...(as in trying new recipes) I'll just stick with what I know the family loves and expects! One extra plus about the Harvest Loaves is that they freeze well and can be made ahead! Hope I can get to those tomorrow! These are from last year!

...actually, my plan was to do them tonight but I find I'm just not up to the task after the shopping trip! Wal-Mart was packed to the brim today! I thought I'd never make it back to this little farm again! But I'm here- and with a PLAN! (Well- sort of!)


Another thing on my mind is getting this new printer set up! As my luck would have it- my old printer did not work with my new computer... I discovered this only after my SIL, Marc was back on the road (trucker) and I had bought a new black ink cartridge for it. ( thinking it was out of ink because that seemed to be the problem!)
What a pain this has been-all this computer stuff!! ...But never fear-I had a new printer delivered today! (Marc did, I should say!) He did the research so it has to be right! (I hope!)...Hope my smart girls can help me with this!! I miss having a printer! Never realized how often I used it!


OK~ My short range plan is...

I have to clean the kitchen! It's a royal mess and with no one having a clue how to load the dishwasher except me! ( I feel sooo important !!)

Make the Harvest loaves-#1 -and do some cleaning...(I'll give it my best try!) And do a little decorating too- after things are spruced up a bit.


LIGHT UP OCALA...this is the turning on of Christmas lights in our downtown square- and a parade! This is an event we have attended most every year we've been here- 18 years! In years past our grand kids have marched in the parade...with their various interest groups...boy scouts/girl scouts...Alli- with her dance group one year-and another, with the cheer leaders! It's also a craft fair and I like that a lot!

Our downtown is pretty cool! And a lot of the buildings are being restored! I'm so glad it's being saved at least, some of it is! They did a dumb thing in the past (IMHO) by tearing down the old , original, courthouse! It could have been turned into a museum of our town!! Also I hate that they replaced the original brick streets of the downtown square! That would be so neat if it was still that way! Ocala was once known as Brick City. For history of our town...
Go here


K- on with my attack on that messy kitchen so I can start out fresh tomorrow!

Goodnight all,

Junie Rose


  1. I can see why you would be worried about Charles...hiatal hernias usually need surgery. I went to the mall yesterday and was going to go to WalMart but when I saw how crowded it was in there, I bypassed it! Shopping there stresses me out more than anything else! lol Your Harvest loaves look so you, I usually stick with making the cookies and squares that my family loves and is use to at Christmas time. Good luck on your plan...hopefully you can get everything done you wanted to:-) xox

  2. Hi June, I hope the news on Charles health improves, its all a bit of a worry this getting older business isn't it.

  3. Hi Peter,


    Yes- not all fun and games down this road! :(


  4. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for your visit and comments.

    Maybe surgery won't be required with Charles... He'll soon know.

    I have to get on with my baking of goodies today so will visit everyone later.



  5. Sounds like you have a plan, Junie! :) I hope everything goes according to it! I always feel worn out after shopping at WalMart too... it's a scary place sometimes, but much cheaper than other places for buying groceries.

    Good luck with your loaf baking! I'd love to try one of those harvest loaves sometime, but doubt I will ever get adventurous enough to bake any! I hope Charles will be okay; I don't know anything about hiatal hernias, but it sounds awful! I'll keep my fingers crossed that he will be able to recover without surgery.

  6. I've been catching up with you this afternoon Junie. I'm so very sorry to hear about your nephew. What a terrible ordeal for all the family. My prayers are with you.
    My hubby had a hiatal hernia quite a few years ago while we still had a dairy herd. Luckily he didn't need an op. Hopefully Charles won't either. It's a worry!
    Your harvest loaves look delicious.
    It would be very hard for us to move off the farm I can empathize with your feelings about moving to a smaller place.

  7. Hi Junie,
    Sorry to hear about Charles' health issues. I know you must be concerned.
    I remember your harvest loaves from last year, and they looks a yummy as ever.

  8. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for your comments and encouraging words. Maybe Charles can be treated without surgery too.

    Yep- I wanna stay right where I am! Just once in awhile we consider briefly the possibility of moving but I doubt we ever will.

    Take care,


  9. Hi Susie,

    Thanks for your concern. Hopefully we'll find he won't need the surgery! I'm counting on that!

    Made some harvest loaves today- They are a lot of work but they sure are good! I found several recipes online very similar to the one I use.

