Saturday, November 24, 2007

Victory Ride -11-24-07 (and other neat stuff)

Today we went for a ride- the first time in several weeks...due to the ailments we both have been dealing with lately!...But Charles says..."Since we got that sucker we should ride it once in awhile!" I agreed - tho I was not sure I could even climb on, (with the back problems I've been having!) Lol- but I did manage to get on and also - not to fall off!

Here we are about ready to go!

The weather was just perfect for riding - and the sky was that special blue that I love with white, fluffy clouds scattered about!

Here am I - in awe of it all!
:) For real!! I'm intrigued with the beauty of our world!

We stopped in to see my sister and BIL- unannounced! lol- oh, well! They were happy to see us! We had a nice little visit and cup of coffee and then were soon on our way again!

These tall pines in their front yard always capture my attention and for long moments I stand looking up at them! I just
love the way they look against that blue sky and I had to get a picture of them!

One of the things I wanted to do today was find a new Christmas banner to put out front. We decided to ride to Belleview to a new Porter's Home and Garden Center store! I was sure they'd have Christmas banners there...but I was wrong! :( I guess I'll just use my little deer flag one more time!

(This was last year- :)
Same blue vest so maybe the same banner will work, too!)

On our return trip home we decided to stop for a late lunch. I suggested this place!
It was on our way home ...and it is an excellent Italian restaurant! We've been there a few times for pizza-authentic NY pizza, they claim! How would I know as I have never had NY pizza. But I can say, "It's dang good!"... Today tho, we didn't go for pizza. I ordered Chicken Parmesan w/spaghetti and C. had lasagna with meat balls and sausage! They also have their own fresh baked bread-and they serve a great little salad with the meals, too! Lol- I made a pic of the bread and salad but when our main course came- I totally forgot to get a pic! I was real hungry! (you gotta know that!) Oh my! It was good Italian food!

I'll have to remember in the future
this is the place to go for Italian in our little town!

A good day!

Junie Rose


  1. Your ride sounds so fun. Glad you felt well enough to go. That Chicken parm sounds just yummy. It's one of our favorite meals.

  2. Hi Susie,

    Thanks! Yes, it was a fun day for us.

    Hope your holiday was grand! I am a little behind with my blog reading but will catch up.


  3. Yay - a Victory ride post!! :) I always enjoy those. That pizza place looks yummy, and I love those tall pine trees against the blue sky!!

    Thanks for sharing your day with us! :)

  4. What an absolutely wonderful day you two had. I love Italian fact, I just made a whole lotta lasagna last night. Yummy stuff.

    And those pine trees are HUGE!!!!!

  5. Thanks for another cool trip on the Victory Junie. What a nice time.

  6. Thanks for coming by-




    Yep_ a fun ride as always!


  7. Good for you on getting to go for a ride.
    If my wife and I were going for a ride now we would need snow and a snowmobile. Neither of which I want.
    If I could ride in Fl I'd have a bike.
    The turkey looks good. (the real turkey not Charles)
    I've caught up with your blogs. I've been both broke down (ISP) and so terribly busy. Take care.

  8. Hi Cliff,

    It's good to see you! :) I figured you must be real busy with the corn crops...but you have also been having computer problems, i see...(a real pain!)

    I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Lol- We sure did! And my girls always say,"Lets get a picture of MOM and the TURKEY(S)!" HAHA- all in fun!
    ...and I hope you don't have need of a sno-mobile for awhile...

    Take care,


  9. Unless they are shipping the water in a tanker from a NY tap to that pizzaria to make the dough... it ain't NY Pizza ;) HAHAHA.

  10. haha!

    B13- you NYers sure have a lot of pride in yer pizza! :) I've picked up on that fact with another NY friend I have! :)

    Hope I get to try some real NY pizza one day!

