Friday, November 30, 2007

Yes! I like Santas!

Yesterday Tina, our daughter , came up and she invited us to go out to lunch with her!
We went to Road House Grill. It was very yummy- especially since I had skipped breakfast!

Before we left home she made this pic of the
'Old Folks!' :)

Yah- I DO like those bearded guys! ;)

( more proof here!)


I got this meme from 'Hootin' Anni's place.' It looked kinda fun to do, so here goes. If anyone wants to do it Anni welcomes all to use her button header. Also, it would be nice to link back to her blog - and let her know you did the meme, too.

If anyone wants to do this please let us know so all may go to your site to read what you have to say!

Here are my answers!

1. Christmas is Magic . [fill in the blank with ONE WORD]

2. In memories, what was the best part of your Christmases past?

In my childhood the best part was getting up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa had left for me.

3. Was Santa ever good to you? [describe how and what]

I always thought so! Every Christmas I would get a until I was about 12 years old!

4. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or both?

We have a big family thing on Christmas Eve and we all exchange gifts...When my kids were little and then later with the grandkids- there would also be the Santa Thing on Christmas morning! We have been so well blessed in being able to have ALL our kids at our home almost every Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

5. Is there something you make each and every year? [craft or recipe]

'Magic Cookie Bars'

6. What is your favorite five[5] Christmas songs/hymns?

Oh, Holy Night,
What Child is This,
Oh Come All Ye Faithful,
Silent Night
( but I love all Christmas songs)

7. Is there a new tradition for Christmas since your childhood days?

My Santa collecting is new for me in the past several years.

8. Describe one of your Christmas trips. [whether it's across town or across country]

Have never gone away at Christmas time.

9. Do you have a special Christmas outfit to wear for the day?

Not really-Tho I do like to get new Christmas tops every season.

10. Have YOU or any of your family members sat on Santa's lap?

All my kids and grands liked to visit Santa and sit on his lap - I never did, though. :)

11. What is/or will be on your Christmas tree this year?

I use ornaments I have collected since Charles and I married- over 46 years ago- and add to them every year!

12. Do you/or have you decorated your yard for Christmas?

We usually have some lights around the front of the house...and for a few years put lights on a cedar tree we have in front- until it got too huge!

....SOOO- how about you?



  1. I love the picture of you and Charles....he's the best bearded guy around. Happy decorating with all your Xmas goodies Junie.

  2. I love the picture of you and Charles....he's the best bearded guy around. Happy decorating with all your Xmas goodies Junie.

  3. Thanks, Joy,

    Charles DOES have a good santa beard, doesn't he!! :)


  4. Oh what a fabulous meme you did....I love all the answers. I especially like #4, only 'cause when it comes to Christmas giving, it's really for the kids...[tho good for the adults too, but you know what I mean...the sparkling eyes of anticipation, and the wonderment of Santa, etc!!]

    I'm gonna go add your meme url to the list on my special 12 Questions of Christmas meme.

    Thanks for doing this.

    PS...what are the magic cookie bars? Gonna share the recipe? *smiles*

  5. Thanks, Anni, for reading my list-and for adding me to the list! The meme was fun to do! (Everything about this season is fun!!! :) )

    Oh Yes! I will post the 'Magic Cookie Bars' recipe-( again) probably tomorrow!


  6. Those Magic Cookie Bars sound yummy to me!
    What magic do they make you able to do???

    That's a nice photo of you & Charles.
    Your bearded man is a handsome fella, and you always look lovely with your bright smile and happy eyes.

  7. I've always said that Charles looks like the real Santa:-) Love that picture of the two of you. I so enjoyed reading your answers to Anni's meme! I'm working on that meme also and will post it either tomorrow or Monday:-) xox

  8. It's the magic THEY do, JD! They add several inches to your waistline and pad out your bottom very nicely -magically- as you eat them!
    ( just what we girls want and need!!!)

    :) Thanks for the kind words for the old Kellum folks!

    Junie Rose

  9. Hi Pea,

    :) yep- I'm married to Santa Claus!

    Will be looking forward to that Christmas meme you're working on.



  10. Charles does look like Santa, hehehe. Nice picture of the two of you.
    I liked you Christmas meme...learned a lot about you.

  11. Magic cookie bars are a treat I always look forward to on Christmas.

    I too always thought Santa was good to me. I think my favorite part of the gifts was the crisp red tissue paper that Santa wrapped them in!

    Mine's up at

  12. Hi Sandy,

    :) yep, C. looks like Santa. I like his beard but every now and then he gets the urge to shave it all off. It's been awhile now so I'm expecting it to happen again before too long- hopefully, not until after Christmas!


  13. Hi Sandy C.

    Thanks so much for coming by and I will be sure to go read your list soon.

    Hope you'll visit again soon.


  14. Hi,
    Thanks for the visit. Isn't it funny that your blog is the same color as mine and that you are a "Junebug" too. I like your Christmas is "magic." Great choice. Your mother was white-haired like my husband's mother. His mother passed away this year in July also like my dad. She was 91-1/2 years. She lived a long happy life.

  15. Hi Junebug,

    Yep- noticed our blogs were the same color-as well as our names the same :) I had even thought of using'junebug' as my screen name , but didn't! LOL- you probably already had that name in use anyway!

    Yes, my mom had beautiful white hair for many years. It's been nearly 5 years but Mom is still missed by all.

    Have a great day and thanks for coming by.

