Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Santa adventures

( Update at bottom)

Today I am TRYING with a capital T...(all capitals, in fact!) to get on with my Christmas decorating ! It has become a 'trying experience!' But I'm trying my best to make the best of it!!

One might think that putting out a few santas, angels, snowmen...hanging a few strings of lights...decorating a 6 ft tree- would be a piece of cake. One would be
rong to automatically assume that; unless it's fruit cake we have in mind with all the dozens of fruits and nuts packed in there!

My Christmas stuff = a Zillion things in almost as many boxes, much as a fruit cake is put together- seemingly, with no order whatsoever!

It's Dec 4th. already and my house is still undecorated! I have barely touched the surface of the numerous boxes I have to go through! I have not yet found my Christmas Reindeer banner - so my summer humming bird is still proudly flying on my carport! :(

Take a look at this santa!

Very nice- yes???

Well, he WAS a pretty cool santa- until this happened today!
I had set the bag aside that he was in to get to something else... as I was walking out of the utility room I heard this loud crash! :( The bag had fallen to the floor!

Poor Santa is in a whole bunch of little pieces!....I can see he might be mended with some super glue and a lot of time and patience!! OK- I could put him on a high shelf with just his front side showing... No one would know except me and Santa! OR- I could just dump him in the trash...

What would you do??
More important - what will Junie Rose do?

LOL- any bets on this!!

...More to come later... Right now I must get back to the task at hand!

...To be continued...


10:55 pm

I gave it my best effort but too many pieces shattered (to powder) to put this guy back together! All I got for my worry and work is gummy-sticky fingers! :(

Gee, I hate when these things happen!

I think I will display him this one last time anyway!

Hey- I have an idea! Maybe I can patch him up with Papier Mache! :) I'll give that a try after Christmas! Lucky his face wasn't hurt at all!

I really think that's a doable idea! ;)

Good night

Junie Rose


  1. What would I do?
    Throw him away. Sadly.

    What would Junie Rose do?
    Try to fix him, and then present him with his best face forward!

    That's my guess, anyway, from what I know of you!

  2. Ouch - tough to lose a Santa that way! It sounds like you are much further along than we are - we just started talking about. :) ec

  3. Hi Skye,

    :) yes- I DID try to glue him back together...but can't do it...Maybe I can repair him later with papier mache and then paint . Gonna try.


  4. Hi ec,

    Yes- I was sad that happened! Maybe I can fix him but it can't be done with glue...too much shattered!

    :) I didn't get a lot done today but there's still enough time!!

  5. Any time something like this breaks at my house, my Hubby is the one that gets to put it together...actually I think he rather enjoys it! (as long is it's not into smitherines as he says...lol!)

    Thanks for being so faithful to my blog lately...please forgive my absense to yours.

    Love & Hugs to you today!

  6. Busy times, Tammy. I understand.

    :) well, I tried but couldn't do much for that old Santa! Will see what more I can do after Christmas...mean time- he has his good side on display and looks fine!


  7. Poor, broken Santa.
    You gave it a good effort, and it seems as if you're gonna try some more. Santa appreciates your efforts, I'm sure, even if he ends up eventually in the trash.
    My son and I got out out holiday boxes two days before Thanksgiving and decorated the trees and the house. I broke the after-Thanksgiving rule because I just couldn't wait!!
    I'm sure you'll have all your decorations in place soon, and then before you know it, it will be time to tear them down and pack them away. I hate that last part.
    You posted the Magic Cookie Bars recipe.

  8. Hi Junie,
    I would also try (or have Bill try) to put this dear old Santa together again. if you can't, then you have your memories and pictures.
    Thanks for your kind comments and friendship.
    I'm slowly getting back to blogging again..

  9. Hi JD,

    Yep- I gave it my best shot- but couldn't do much for him! But I do want to try to mend him later with papier mache. I think I can do that and then repaint the whole figure! He has the nicest face! And that part was left in perfect shape when he fell!

    LOL- We'll see how that goes!


  10. Hi Susie,

    Yep- I did try- and will try some more after Christmas. Meanwhile- he's on display with his shattered part to the wall! :) That will work for now!

    Susie- I'm so happy you're back blogging and visiting! :)



  11. Hi June ~~ So sorry about your Santa and good luck fixing him in the new year.
    Also, good luck getting the decorating done. Once you get started it won't take
    so long. It's that getting started that is the hard part. Lovely photos at your Mother's grave.
    Thanks for your comments, glad you liked the jokes. Take care, June, Love, Merle.

  12. Hi Junie, I think you will tyr to fix santa up and put he's love face front side for all to see. good luck with the repairs...

  13. Hi Merle,

    Thanks! well, I'll see what I can do with that santa - It was not expensive but I hated to have broken him , just the same.

    ...And my decorating will get done- or as much as is necessary! :)

    Thanks for coming by.


  14. Thanks Jeanette,

    Yep I'll fix him up...but for this season he's just sitting with his broken butt against the wall. haha!


  15. Poor Santa lost his butt! lol I know how much it upset you to see it broken like that, I have old ornaments that have broken like that and I've actually cried over them. I would have tried to put him back together again too...for now just place him where nobody can see the back:-) I wish I lived near, I would go help you decorate...I love doing that! If it overwhelms you this year, just don't put out as many decorations...I actually didn't put up a lot of mine which is hard to believe if you saw my house but truly I didn't! lol Love ya my friend! xoxo

  16. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for your kind comments!

    I did some things today- have my tree almost finished- and a lot of lights- etc- I'll make some pictures in a day or so- when I'm all finished!

    I have always loved decorating for Christmas- but it's been harder for me this time. Would be cool to have you near to help me :)

    XOX thanks, Pea,


  17. I still haven't put up a single Christmas decoration unless you count the stick moose I just bought. He's anchored in my love seat for now scarying the cats when I push his button.

    What to do about Dear old Santa...Hmmm....If he means a lot to you patch him up and keep him and if he doesn't just throw him out.

  18. Got my tree up today- finally - but still have a lot to do .

    That Santa... well- if it had broke his face it would have been simple- I'd have dumped him... but i think i can fix his body so gonna give it a try! :)

