Thursday, December 27, 2007

Time~ a poem

You will have to click to read this!
Sorry- I wanted to use the old pic because it fit with the poem.



  1. What a beautiful poem and photo. Oh, and enjoy that new video camera! That's one snazzy gift :)

  2. Sometimes when I look back, it seems like that was another person back then. Not always but sometimes.

  3. anvilcloud,

    Yep- TIME has a way of doing that to us!


  4. B13,

    Thanks for reading the poem! LOL- It's a bit of a downer...but true for us older folks.

    The video camera remains untried...hope I can figure it out!


  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I love that poem Ginga! You really do write amazing poetry.

    love you.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    You have a knack for triggering a person's memories with your poetry. A lovely creation Junie!

  7. Thanks Alli,

    Love you,


    ( :) sent a message already but guess it didn't go)

  8. To Momma,


    We older folks DO have a lot of memories! ;)


  9. The poem is really lovely, and using that beautiful photo as a background was inspired! You remind me of Debbie Reynolds in this photo :)
    You're a very creative poetry writer Junie!
    I loved seeing the slides of your Christmas and photos of your gifts. I'm glad you had a wonderful time with the family.
    Wishing you and Charles a blessed 2008 and the happiest of New Years!

  10. Thanks, Kerri,
    for visiting and for all your nice words.

    I'm happy you like the poem and that you appreciate the way I displayed it, too! I thought the old picture of me went well with what the poem was saying. :) Debbie Reynolds was a favorite of mine when I was a teenager- so it pleases me to think that I might look like the young Debbie! Thanks! This picture, tho, was in the early 70s- so I was early 30s.

    Hope you and your husband have a wonderful New Year too!


  11. Good poem and I can even associate with some of the words - but I stay away from mirrors when I can. :) ec

  12. Nice poem and presentation June.

  13. ec,

    Thanks for reading my poem!

    LOL- I'm giving up looking for that young girl in that mirror...She's long gone!

    Hope you all have a Happy New Year!


  14. Thanks, Peter,

    Happy New Year to you!


  15. That is such a beautiful poem and picture, Junie! You should publish this!

  16. Carolyn,

    Thanks for your nice comments here.

    I'm happy you like the poem! :)

    Happy New Year!


  17. That is such a beautiful poem Junie and I like the way you posted it over your beautiful picture.

    I sometimes walk past a mirror and wonder who that old person is staring back at me and where that young person went. Sometimes I can hardly believe that it is me in the mirror. Only yesterday, I was trying to explain to my husband that the young person he married is still in here in this old body, under all this fat.

  18. Thanks, Sandy,

    I'm glad you appreciate the poem. I think women are more likely to identify with what it says than are men.

    lol- now I really don't know why all that came to me....but it just did and I wanted to put it into words. I wrote it in a short span of time- in one attempt!

    ;) I just go with my feelings and let the chips fall- and ppl can take it or leave it-

  19. I think this is one of your best yet, Junie! You are a talented poet.

    The picture is beautiful too... wish I would have looked like that in my early 30s! (and am I really not in my early 30s any more?!? When did that happen!?!?)

  20. Skye,

    I , so, appreciate your compliments on my poems! You seem to love poetry as I do! Not everybody does and I can understand that...still- it's nice when one of my poems touches another person. Thanks!

    ...also thanks for your kind words about the pic. I used it because it fit so well with the poem...I faded it out to make it look older too!

    You, my dear Skye, ARE a very pretty lady- and still YOUNG too!


  21. Oh, thank you, Junie! It's so nice of you to say so... and nice to hear! :)
