Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cold Oranges


We DID have freezing temperatures last night and they are expected again tonight...but from what we can determine, our fruit was not ruined. Of course we can't say for sure yet, not being experts in growing oranges!

Lol- I DO know that one we sliced and sampled, off the tree early this morning was icy-cold...but it wasn't frozen!

Hopefully, it didn't stay below freezing long enough to do the damage~ and I hope it will be the same tonight! We don't sell the fruit so it's not a big $$ loss ...but I sure enjoy having the fruit to pick right out of my back yard.

These pics were made in the afternoon today. I was underneath the trees. These trees are not pruned much and the branches grow, touching the ground all around! You can part the branches and have this neat little hideout -like space under the trees. I was thinking today, while under there, how I would have loved a place like that when I was a kid ~ for a place to play!

LOL - I even love being under there now - as grown up as I am! :)

But just look how neat it looks under there...looking up through the branches!

The dark orange color ones are the Honeybells! The lighter color one is a different variety ~ Valencia- we have 2 of those trees and we also have a Navel Orange tree, here in the back yard. And have several Ruby Red Grapefruit trees and a few other oranges and tangerines, further back on our property!

I like having these right here in the yard and wish we had planted one grapefruit here too!
The grapefruit always do well and are more cold resistant than the oranges so I expect they will do ok with these freezing nights!


...But our Poinsettias went from this...

To... THIS! :(

They are not cold resistant at all but I still always plant the ones I get each Christmas...hoping they can make it through! These did make it through the holidays! yay!! And the plants will survive even this freeze...I just hate that the blooms got zapped when they were so pretty!
They can survive a freeze if covered but there are so many planted here it would be a real job protecting them all. Charles bought a whole lot of plants last season-after Christmas at a very low price. They did well- and were looking great! I think most will come back!

We'll see!

Have a good night!

Keep warm!

Junie Rose


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Hi Ginga,
    Its Terry again. Well, the sheets did blow off of my plants, but we didn't have any frost so I think they will be ok. The weather report said it got down to 31 here, but i guess not at our house. Its only supposed to get doen to 41 tonight. Still shivering though. This old house is hard to keep warm.

  2. Hi Terry,

    Happy to know your plants were , apparently, not hurt by the cold.

    It was colder here. Chas was up about 4:30 and it was 28 degrees...but it seems the oranges are ok.

    Our house is cold too....wish we had the fireplace still workable!

    Keep warm!!

    Love to all,


  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Hopefully the fruit will come through ok for you. It was sad to see the flowers in that condition. You know the only time I have seen this type of plant growing outside was when we visited California several years ago.

  4. To Momma,

    I really think the fruit will be ok.

    As for the Poinsettias- Yah I am sad about that...but we have so many planted it would have been a major job to try and cover them all- especially at the time of trying to save as much fruit as I could!

    I have always loved them and grew them in Miami. They did great there! Also got some going very nicely here the first couple years we were here- then a freeze got them one year! But I keep trying!
    I usually have some potted ones every Christmas so end up getting them in the ground and blooming by the next Christmas.

    Keep warm.


  5. Oh how wonderful that you have all that fruit right in your backyard!! I have ordered honeybells which should be here sometime this month. I've never had them before.

    I'm glad the freeze didn't hurt your fruit after all. Too bad about the poinsettia though!

  6. I would so love to have my own orange and grapefruit trees but they would never survive our northern Ontario temperatures! I'm glad your fruit weren't affected by the cold but your poor poinsettias sure got hit:-( It's supposed to get much milder now in the next couple of days, thank goodness!! xox

  7. Pea,

    Our real cold weather is on the way out...It will be up into the 7os by tomorrow.

    Didn't have any more freeze damage last night.

    I was out looking at the Poinsettias just now and see a LOT of them are still fine. It's see one bush and flowers all wilted and dead and right next to it one that was not touched at all!

    We are about as far north as Citrus trees grow in Florida... and no citrus crops are grown commercially here anymore- ( well, maybe just a few) though years ago(40s-50s) here, and a little further south , were the main areas for oranges- etc! Several years ago most of the central Fl citrus crops got killed off with a very cold winter. The areas that were once beautiful rolling hills planted in citrus crops are not covered with houses and shopping centers!

    The citrus groves, for the most part, are now found further south - where the danger of a freeze is much less.

    I miss the old days! :(

    Junie Rose

  8. Rachel,

    You'll love the HoneyBells- if they are as good as ours are!

    Let me know how yours are!

