Thursday, January 31, 2008

Messy job!

OK ~ It's a messy job but somebody's gotta do it!

... but first let's sample the fruit to see if it's worth the trouble!

Here is Charlie fixing a big bowl of oranges to chill in the fridge...

and me giving my approval!

"Yummy," says Junie Rose!

A messy job, for sure ~ but worth it!


This is a picture I took yesterday from my kitchen window. I saw these little Mourning Doves eating seed around the feeder in 'Ma-Ma's garden' so I grabbed my camera! I like the cropped picture of the birds...but the original shows the the orange trees across the back yard. There's SO MUCH fruit on those trees!

Two good things about these weeks of 'winter' here in north Florida are... the citrus fruit and the Camilias in bloom! Yesterday I went out and picked this bouquet! We have just 3 colors, though there are many more. Ours are the red and light pink (shown here) and a pure white one! Charles compares the Camilia to the rose... but really- the only thing they have in common is that they both have (or CAN have) many petals in the flowers. Oh, I won't argue with him...If he sees them as rose-like - ok! And- at first glance - yes - I can understand what he means!

But nothing can equal the rose! IMHO ... And speaking of roses...mine are in sad shape again and I will have a lot of replacing in a few weeks!

So it goes~ here on the farm!

Junie Rose


  1. Stop it. You're trying to make me jealous again with those oranges. Man does that look good.

  2. :) They are very good!

    My daughter and granddaughter came up tonight and I gave them the jug of juice I did today- so gotta do some more tomorrow. It's well worth the time and effort!


  3. I bought a whole box of navel oranges and I'm enjoying everyone of them all by myself. I believe that oranges have always been my favorite fruit although I love most fruits. I once received a ten pound bag of oranges for my birthday, I love them so much.

  4. We have some Navels too.

    But the Honey Bells are even better-lol- if you can imagine that!!

    They are sweeter and better for juice! IMO.

    The Navels, tho, remind me more of oranges of my know- 'Christmas Oranges!'

