Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A new year ( and Alli )

Well, here we are in our brand new year. May 2008 be our best year ever!

As always, I have high hopes for this coming year for my family and for myself.

I can definitely pick out areas of my personal life that could use some special attention and polishing and changes. ( small to quite big in some cases!) I plan to work on it! No! No iron clad promises or resolutions~ as I have found that way doesn't work for me~ but instead , a deal with myself to try and make things better.


Now~ About Alli...

Our one little granddaughter turned 17 the day after Christmas. Although I have mentioned Alli's birthday recently, I didn't mention it right on the day. (on the blog) Alli's birthday sort of gets lost among the other celebrations~ coming when it does! :) ( Especially so this year, I think, with all the excitement of our movie making- etc- at Christmas!) Of course she gets her extra presents but they are usually just added with the Christmas gifts (just in birthday paper) so it all seems the same to her, I'm sure! For this birthday her mom took Alli and a couple of her friends to Fort Lauderdale to a music concert- an over night trip which they all enjoyed a lot! ( but this was a couple weeks before her birthday) Then on her actual birthday Alli and her mom, Tina, went to our Appleton Museum to view Princess Diana's gowns, which have been on display here in Ocala for a few months! They both enjoyed that a lot!

Our Alli has always been such a source of enjoyment for our entire family and she always will be! She's such a sweet and pretty girl. She's always willing to help me with all this confusing computer/camera stuff, too! :)

Thanks, Alli, for all you do and all you are! We love you!

This is Alli, playing around with the camera program on my new Mac! Lol- only the young would have the desire to do this I think! :) (I know I wouldn't !-haha) But Alli looks cute whatever kind of picture she's in!



( Junie Rose)


  1. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, Junie!

  2. Thanks , Carolyn.

    And to you, too!
