Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tomorrow is my '2 year anniversary' as a blogger!

It sneaked up on me!
( or-would that be snuck?) Either way, it took me by surprise!

I wudda baked a cake or something...or maybe a Banana Pudding or Harvest Loaf... but the date came upon me, unexpected!

(Not even time to make a pot of grits!)

Well...I knew it was close but I just didn't know how close!

Sure enough...it was exactly 2 years ago, on Jan. 16, 2006, that I was able to figure out this blogging thing and get my very first post up!

Who wudda thought that 2 years later I would have posts numbering in the hundreds! LOL- YES! I do post a lot...almost every day!

Hey! I don't want to be forgotten, ya know! Besides, I have a LOT to say and a lot to show you! :)

Seriously, thanks to all who have made this new thing for me so much fun! Thanks for reading my ramblins' and for posting to me. Thanks, most of all, for your friendships!


This was my very first post:


Can't believe it! Am I actually going to be allowed to post here on my own blog?!


For the first time I am really able to type in this big box!

And, wouldn't you know it- I find myself speechless!

Thanks to all who have tried to help me...however, none of your suggestions worked! LOL!

It just decided to let me in - perhaps sensing all the cool and extremely important things I will post here in the future! :)

(now- those who know me-realize that's a joke!)

Anyway, for better or worse- here I am!

Let the fun begin!


posted by JunieRose2005 @ 10:15 AM 0 comments

Monday, January 16, 2006


posted by JunieRose2005 @ 8:25 PM 6 comments


Junie Rose


  1. Happy Anniversary! And here's to many more!

  2. Happy 2 year Blogiversary!!!
    You may have been "speechless" on that first post, but you soon got the hang of it and now you're a pro!

  3. Hi Junie, Happy 2nd blogaversary with many more to come.
    Hahaha iz just checked mine out i still got a few months to go.

  4. Hi June, nice to see you make your 2nd blogaversary on Blogger, I remember there were a few teething problems way back then.

  5. Happy Bloggaversary, Junie! I can't believe how fast it comes.

  6. Wow, that's great! Happy Bloggiversary, Junie!! :)

  7. Happy Two Years Junie. I don't know why, but I kept thinking you were doing this before me...I was two years last August. I guess it just seems like you've always been here.

    Glad you didn't bake that cake...you always make me so hungry with your goodies. How lucky we are to have you in our blogging community...Congrats my sweet friend....

  8. It seems as if I've known you much longer.

    Happy Blogiversary!!

  9. Happy Blogaversary Junie....time does fly when your having fun...LOL and lets face it, it's fun....and a learning experience... you learn how many wonderful caring people there are out in the world...and new recipes, jokes and sometimes sad stories, which make you thankful for all you have.....well enjoy the sunshine, the sun shined here today, but it is COLD..... judy

  10. Thanks-all of you guys and gals!


    Jamie Dawn

    ...lol- WELL - I didn't remain speechless for long!



    - 2 of my Aussie friends!

    Lol- yes! Peter- there were a few problems in the beginning! You were a big help to me when I first got started...but you know that!

    Morning Glory




    Thanks... I have enjoyed getting to know all of you-and thanks for reading me and getting to know me!


    and Judy

    ;0 - Yes- time flies when you're having fun! And I think we all agree- blogging is fun for all of us!

    Much thanks for your comments!


  11. Happy BlogVersary Junie...I miss mine every year as it always sneaks up on me too and is gone before I know it. One day I'll celebrate but until then I'll help you celebrate yours.

  12. Dear June ~~ Congratulations on your
    second Blogoversary. It is always good to visit your blog and I am glad you got through the speechless stage.
    I feel as though you are a friend of long standing. Thanks for your comments and I am glad you enjoyed the jokes. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  13. To

    Merle & Sandy,

    Thanks for coming by to wish me a Happy Blogaversary.

    It seems longer than 2 years...but it has been fun getting to know so many people. And you have become real friends to me!



  14. happy blogiversary!!

  15. Hi Peggy,

    Thanks for visiting!

