Thursday, February 07, 2008

Another rainy day-and some music

We've had another rainy day here...almost the whole day long! Not at all cheery!!

I awoke very tired because I again didn't sleep well...but had things to do so needed to get on with it!

First off, Charles fixed us this good-country style breakfast! (Bacon, eggs, grits and toast...and our fresh OJ and coffee!) I have a hard time getting going in the morning and if it's left to me, I probably would never go to the trouble of putting together a breakfast like this! I DO enjoy it when he does it, though! :)

I had been putting off a shopping trip, but today was the day I HAD to go! LOL... Out of doggie food and coffee creamer and a few other essentials like toilet paper and laundry detergent. These things determine when I must go to stock-up on stuff again.

I knew I'd have to get Charles to take me as I have been without a car for several days. My grandson, Bri, had to borrow my car to use while his truck is in the shop! Tomorrow, hopefully, I will have my car back! Meanwhile, tho, we had to get to the store today!

It wasn't such a bad thing for Charles, as he waited in the truck a good part of that time- while I shopped! But the rain caught us before we got the groceries loaded up in the truck! I told C., "No sense in us both getting wet, so YOU load up the bags!" :) He didn't mind!

Oh! With my recent viewing and interest in those Tom Petty videos I decided to buy myself this CD. I haven't yet listened to any of it but I know there are some good songs on it!

I probably won't play it until tomorrow as I'm very worn out tonight. I hope to get some sleep early tonight and will do whatever it takes to acheive that goal!

Funny thing about sleep problems...Since I've been talking about mine here on the blog I've discovered a LOT of other bloggers are struggling with the same thing I am! Wish we could ALL find an answer to this problem!

Spring is getting going pretty good here already as these pictures show! These are 2 of the earliest blooms we see...the white Wild Plum blossoms and the blooms of the Red Bud trees! This was yesterday...I hope the rain doesn't beat the blossoms off too quickly!

And, of course, the Camellias are in full bloom!

All things considered - a 'not bad' day, here on the ole farm!

A good night's sleep will add a lot, too! ;)

Sweet dreams, Y'all!

Junie Rose


  1. I had a very decent night, sans pill, but I have to get going in the morning, so I'm taking one tonight. Sometimes, I can't chance it.

  2. Hi AC,

    I know what you mean...there's no way of knowing when one of these sleepless night will come!... But for me tonight - I will take a pill- just out of desperation!

    Good night!


  3. Hi Junie,Oh how I hate winter and going out in the rain, but i think ill dance in the rain when it comes lol,hahaha no sense in both getting wet.were was the umbrella. Sweet Dreams..Jen

  4. What a yummy looking breakfast! And I can't believe those flowers you have in bloom. It's so "gray" where I live right now.

    Enjoy your CD. As for sleep, have you tried one of those CD's with the sound of rain?

  5. HI Jen,

    Lol- the umbrella was at home!!

    Anyway- loading up over $200.00 worth of groceries is no quickie - or easy job....And I figured one person could do it quicker, as we'd just get in each other's way if I tried to help! :)

    It worked out ok.

    Oh- I slept better last night- but DID take a half of Ambein pill.
    :) - now ready to tackle the day ahead!


  6. Hi Carolyn,

    Today is a beautiful blue-sky day here. And after the rain everything looks fresh and clean! I don't expect we'll have much more cold here in North Fl.
    The snowy north looks pretty in pictures but I doubt if I could handle it for long ...being the southern girl I am! :)

    I slept better last night but with the help of half an ambien pill. Reading has always been part of my routine for getting to sleep.

    Hope you have a great day.


  7. I'd give my eye teeth to see just one of your beautiful flowers around here right now. All I see if WHITE when I go out.

    Oh lordy...that breakfast Charles made....NIRVANA! You guys did it to me again....

  8. :) your spring will come, Joy!

    Well- I must say that fresh OJ is the best part of my breakfast these days!


  9. I am so ready for winter to be over. Your pictures are so lovely.

    I enjoy your posts and would love to share them with my friends.

    That's why I am tagging you and if you would like to participate please visit my blog for the rules.


  10. Thanks for stopping by, Darlene.

    I will check out your site soon.


  11. Now that is my kind of breakfast!!! Yummy!!

    I did a bit of shopping today too, to stock up on a few things.

    Flowers blooming, and so pretty!!!

  12. Dear June ~~ Goode on Charles making you such a great breakfast which I guess you enjoyed immensely. Thanks
    for the pictures ~ I love camelias.
    Thanks for your comments and I am glad you enjoyed the jokes. The sad
    loss of life and destruction of so
    many homes is truly heartbreaking.
    I hope they will find comfort.
    Thanks June on your nice words about my blog and I will sen you an e mail that Peter sent me to put things on the side-bar. Take care
    and I hope you get more sleep.
    Love, Merle.
