Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super music~ and my granddaughter

Last night I was doing some stuff on the computer when I got an Instant Message from my granddaughter saying, "Ginga, I'm sending you a surprise!" Of course I had no idea what she had for me! An Email soon followed with this! ;) My previously blonde granddaughter is now a 'Red Head!' Kinda cute, I think! :) Will get a closer look, later today!

What I was doing on the computer was tuning into that Fogelberg site and then the radio station where they played the new Fogelberg song for the first time. It was beautiful ~ but I knew it would be!

I'm so happy we'll have this one last musical collection from Dan! :) But I said that before-right!! :)

What I was doing later on in the evening was looking up vids of Tom Petty! I was quite impressed with the Super Bowl half-time performance by Petty and his band!

( : ) ALSO impressed with the New York Giants and their SUPER win of the SUPER BOWL game! )

LOL- Yes ~ So now I have a new Rock Star interest going... and I'll have to check up on all the stuff Tom Petty has out there! Here's a vid of Tom Petty, along with some other 'interesting guys,' at Madison Square Gardens. It doesn't give the year! Does anyone reading this know?

There are also some Videos of the Super Bowl performance...but I wanted to post this! It's outstanding! IMO

I'm so happy I found this video to view! :)

It's great! Have a look!

So- with my getting into some good music adventures, I was late getting to bed...but, slept almost immediately once I got there!

That was good!



  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The red hair is gorgeous, tell Alli I love it. The video was great so many of my favorites on it. You sure know how to find them Junie.

  2. :) Thanks! I'll tell Alli!

    Yah- that video is great!

    That came out of looking up Tom Petty

    I sure enjoyed seeing all those guys performing together!


  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    In no particular order, these guys sang and/or played on that video:
    Roger McgGuinn
    Tom Petty
    Neil Young
    George Harrison
    Bob Dylan

    I also saw a few others I recognized, like Lou Reed, and GC Smith of the Saturday Night Live house band.

  4. Bob forgot to mention Eric Clapton as well:-) This was from a 1992 concert called "Bob Dylan's 30th Anniversary Tribute". I love it when so much talent come together to sing like that. Tell Alli she looks gorgeous with her red hair...ah, to be young again! hehe Glad you're sleeping better, dear Junie. xox

  5. Hi Bob,

    Nice surprise having you visit me here! :)

    Yah-I knew those guys-except- Roger McGuinn. Well- I know/knew who he was but didn't know how he looked! In recent years he's had a beard-right! (Some of the back up musicians I didn't know.)

    Wow! It was great fun watching that vid. Isn't that just the greatest video!! It was cool seeing so much talent on one stage!

    Thanks for coming by, Bob!


  6. Hi Pea,

    You're right! Hadn't noticed that Bob forgot to mention Eric Clapton!
    ( I'm sure it was just an oversight as Bob knows his music! :) )

    So this was from 1992! Thanks- I hadn't determined just when it was.

    It was great, as you say, to see so much talent together! And they looked to be having a lot of fun!

    :) Yep- Alli looks good with that new hair color! AHH- Yah - fun to be young!! LOL- I vaguely remember that!



  7. That's a great color for your granddaughter.

    And the Giants game was intense! What a great 4th quarter!

  8. I love Alli's new look...adorable. It's pretty hard to go wrong with such a cute face....ah youth and all it's possibilities.

  9. Good photo of the granddaughter, my granddaughter can do more with my cell phone than I can do with a camera. The Super Bowl was a hard fought one right to the end. ec

  10. Your granddaughter looks lovely with the red hair! She is so pretty!

    Glad you found some music you love!

  11. Hi Junie. Love the photo of your beautiful Grandaughter and the red hair suits her .
    ohhh the white Camellia is flawless absalutely beautiful i love it...

  12. Hi Jeanette,

    Yep- that Camellia is very pretty. We just planted this one last year, so not a lot of flowers yet.

    Well, I haven't seen Alli's hair 'in person' yet, but it looks good in the picture.

    Hope things are well with you today.


  13. Hi Rachel,

    Yes, I enjoy all the different music I find on Youtube these days.

    Haven't seen Alli's hair except in the picture but it does look cute on her!


  14. B13,

    Thanks! (about Alli) Oh-to be 17 again! :)

    That last quarter of the game was just awesome! :) Happy folks around this house- and I bet in your area, too! :)


  15. Thanks, Joy!

    Yep, a pretty cute face on that girl!



  16. Hi Mr Eddie,

    Yes- my granddaughter knows WAY more than I do about ...well... everything! haha-

    She loves playing around with her cell phone and getting self portraits

    My guys here enjoyed the Super Bowl game a lot...and I watched the last half! Very exciting game!


  17. That is a great video. I actually remember and recognized a lot of them, including GC Smith from SNL (short blonde pageboy hairdo). As a new Petty fan, you HAVE to watch "Runnin' Down A Dream." You'll learn the history of The Heartbreakers plus hear some GREAT tunes, including "Southern Accent!"

    I love Alli's hair! The red looks really good on her :)

  18. Thanks Carolyn,

    I'll try to view 'Running Down a Dream.'

    I thought the video was just so very good! Had to put it on here! :) So much talent there- all those guys together!

    Making music sure looks like a lot of fun! :)

    Thanks about Alli's new look!!

    Fun being 17 these days! :)

