Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter family day (and Dan's birthday )

...As it turned out- this was a long day for me.

** I had one of those horrid nights of sleeplessness last night. I got to bed and to sleep around 1:30 but awoke at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. SO-no choice but to get up and start my day at that early hour and on about 3 hours of sleep! Oh well- that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes...**

Anyway, though tired, I managed to put it all together (with a lot of help from C. ) and all the family came and we had a very good time!

Some pics of our day:

Alli found this Yellow Rat Snake in their back yard! Lol- As you can see she was not at all afraid of it. Brian and Zach found it interesting , too! Dan was into his own thing and didn't pay much attention to it!... Even the old 'Ginga' got up enough nerve to hold it! Tina did too!
( We ARE country girls, ya know !)
The colors are beautiful in these snakes... They feel velvety smooth when you hold them- and strong!

Zach decided he wanted to take it home with him so Charles gave him a big - wire covered - aquarium to keep it in. He will probable turn it loose after awhile, though!

After the adventures with the snake we had our very good food-and lots of goodies. Tina had made cupcakes in honor of Dan's birthday and Tam brought me a pretty Daffodil candy dish, filled with several fancy candies!

Some pics of our family - doing our day! :)
LOL- some of the pictures we messed up so bad with the lighting , I converted them to B & W!
Pics are always fun so I keep most of them- however bad they are!

( Chris was also here but not in the pictures -
He was getting ready to go to his job! )

It was a good day here. Hope you all had a good Easter day!




  1. I don't envy you the snake, but you all seemed to enjoy it. More importantly, you enjoyed family times.

  2. Ahh, a lovely day except for the snake. Picking up a snake in Florida is something I wouldn't do. All we have are garter and bull snakes.
    Great pics.

  3. Hi AC,

    lol- once you get past knowing the snake can't/won't hurt you then you're free to appreciate the wonder and beauty of it! :)

    The day was a good one for all of us.
    Hope your family had a good Easter, too.


  4. Hi Cliff,

    Well, it's all in knowing about snakes and this one is one of the harmless ones and very common here.
    Even 'I' was able to overcome my normal distrust of snakes and become a little more relaxed about it.

    We all had a good Easter family day here. Hope your family had a good Easter , too.


  5. Looks like you had a great day! Nothing beats spending a day with family no matter what the occasion.

  6. Thanks, Jean,

    Hope you had a good family Easter day too.


  7. I'll bet that snake enjoyed all the attention he/she got!!!

    Glad you had a wonderful Easter with your lovely family. Hope you managed to sleep better last night!!

  8. Rachel,

    That snake was very calm. I never saw a more relaxed snake :) Yes, it seemed to enjoy the attention!

    We had a good day- Hope you did also!


  9. Sounds like a great day!
    I hope Dan had a wonderful b-day!!
    Pretty snake, but I don't want to hold it!!!!!
    That candy dish is pretty too.
    THAT I WOULD hold while eating the candy in it.

  10. Hi JD,

    Yes, we had a wonderful day with all the family here!
