Saturday, March 22, 2008

Memories... (Family stuff)

( A field of wild flowers on our street)

Thoughts of Easter, Spring and Summer...have brought back, oh, so many memories of my past with my precious 'Grands!'

Truly, these were the best days, the best years, of my life~ when I could be such an important fixture in their lives. To watch them grow and learn and explore the world around them was such a joy to me!

My 4 grands did and still do, mean the whole world to me!


Pictures of the 'Grand kids '

Dan & Brian at Easter -ages 2 & 4

Alli and 'Ma-Ma' (my mom) when Alli was 16 mo. old-1992

The 3 boys going on an adventure on our place, with a packed picnic lunch...and Alli too little to tag along! ( not too happy about it!)

Spring and summer were happy times because there was lots of free time from school. Zach got to spend a lot of time with us too, during school breaks~ and holidays!

Zach ( about 6 mo) and me (Ginga)

Alli posed with spring background -about age 2 -1/2

Zach in spring of '92 ~ about to leave to go back home to Miami- after spending time with us! He'd always have this ritual of climbing this tree as they were about to leave...pretending he was gonna stay! Lol It became a routine game with him and his parents - and us!

Daniel, Brian & Allison with Ginga in 1992





  1. Oh Junie...where is the time going...hughugs

  2. Donna,

    Time flies by way too fast!...But this time had to pass to give me one more grandchild-all these years later!! :)
