Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Then came the music....

( From Wikipedia )

Oh, my !

I just never know where my music adventures might take me on any given night! Nights are usually when I take the time to do my music listens- or video watching!

Last night I was again drawn to the music of 'Dire Straits!' This band originated in the late 70s (out of London)  and was quite successful.
 The original band members are no longer together but I understand Mark Knopfler does occasional limited tours and performs songs from the original Dire Straits days!

Oh! How I would love to see him in concert!

I am
SO intrigued with this band's music and in particular, ( Scotland born) Mark Knopfler, the lead singer/songwriter and superb guitarist!

His songs and talents are quite diverse.

I've posted vids of his music a few times, including 2 of my favorites- 'Brothers In Arms' and 'Walk of Life,' which are very different from each other.

Last night I came across this one , with the legendary, Chet Atkins! 
Definitely county, here!

:)  ~A real fun video!

~~Two great guitarist ~ Chet Atkins  and Mark Knopfler!~~





  1. I like it; that was fun.

  2. Thank,AC.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it!


  3. That is such a fun and cute video.
    My dad has been a Chet Atkins fan for many years.
    I'm going to send him this You Tube link.
    I know he'll like this song and the video.

  4. Hi JD,

    glad you like this one and hope your dad does too!

    Both these guys are just great with their guitar playing! I admire that a lot! ... :0 wish I could play but all I can do is enjoy others doing it!


  5. Yeehawwwwww...dancing in my chair here! hehe I love it! You know, I thought I had heard all of Dire Strait's songs but I never knew about this one and of course, Chet Atkins, one of the greatest guitar players around!! Will definitely be downloading this one to listen to over and over again:-) xox

  6. Hi Pea,

    This is just Mark Knopfler
    (Not the band,I think) :) Anyway, I found it fun to watch-and great guitar pickin"! Both of those guys are great!!

    WOW! And you know what? I just checked to see if Mark is touring now...happens he 'IS.' Apparently he has a new cd out - last year. Anyway this tour is called 'Kill to Get Crimson.' (The name of the cd) I have no idea what it's like but I'm gonna check it out- somehow!
    I am impressed with the talent of this Mark guy and would love to see him! He will be coming to Clearwater-(near enough to me!)and I sure would love to go see this show!

    ...problem is- I think that's the date we will be in Alabama for my husband's family reunion! :( DANG!!!


  7. That was good! I'm a long time fan of Chet. ec

  8. Hi EC,

    Glad you liked that.

    Yes- Chet sure mastered his art!

  9. That's a good song to get the body moving!!!

  10. Hi Rachel,

    :) Yes! That's a real fun song!

  11. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I love butterflies so enjoy that new spring banner! This music lover is flying high for you! Whooooohooooooooo! Live in concert!
    (I say go w/ a girlfriend if hubby is not interested.)

    You tube starts and stops due to my computer virus software, so what I heard was jerky. However, Junie I LOVE guitar music. What I heard reminded me of the Moody Blues "Days of Future Passed" Album. He's a new singer to my ears, but am going to find a smoother way to download his music. I like the poetic words and folksy tone to his voice. I sure wish YOU tube worked on my computer. Am so happy for you to hear one of your faves!

    Gel { * * }

  12. Anonymous4:29 AM

    No time to reread. I thought one concert is coming now to your area, so I meant go w/ a girlfriend (not miss hubby's family reunion). Srry if I misread.-


  13. Hi Gel,

    It's good to see you again.

    Well, the deal with that concert was I wasn't sure if the date would conflict with the reunion date- but I found out the reunion will be a little later . So it looks like that concert date is ok- NOW I just have to get the tickets!! I think I'll go ahead next week with that!

    Yes! This Mark Knolfler (of Dire Straits) is a great guitarist!

    It's too bad you can't do Youtubes. I really enjoy all the music vids that can be found there. Maybe if you switched browers it would work better for you. I find Firefox works better for viewing videos for me.

    AHHH! You mentioned The Moody Blues and 'Days of Future Passed'- this group and especially that album are favorites of mine also!!



  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Morning Junie,
    I reread your post even before seeing your comment and it was all clear now that I'm not foggy-brained. I'm so glad it looks like there will be no conflict with the date.

    Somehow I figured you'd like Days of Future Passed. Thanks for the tip about browsers. Hearing you-tubes smoothly has nothing to do w/ my browser. (I've tried different ones.) It's complicated, but here's the scoop. Basically, we're on a network, but a more comlicated network than the average blogger due to my art business. Therefore, there is heightened security measures and firewall issues. That's why the you-tubes are not a smooth transmission at my end.

    I'll find this music elsewhere like from a friend who could send a music clip.

    Sorry to hear you have sleep problems, too.
