Friday, April 25, 2008

About Project Green and other important stuff-

Isn't it always good to have choices? And isn't it good to wear comfortable shoes!! Oh, I think the answer is YES- for both of those questions!

The past 4-5 years I must have gone through nearly a hundred pairs of these cheap-o little canvas sandals. ( and some Nikes, here and there!) I have had them in every color you can think of! (they make them in all colors!)

They have them on sale often at half price and I stock Any size 6-1/2 I buy, whatever the color! ( Because my size is not always easy to find.)

I have bought 2 pair of the same color at the same time, more than once, I'm sure!
At times, I have several pairs in the same color- in different stages of wear and tear! :) But at this time I'm down to my last pair of green! (Lucky they made my Project Green today!)

Living where we do, here in the country, these shoes don't last long...well, they last
forever if you don't mind how they look! But I don't go for the grubby look, so after a few weeks of trying to walk lightly in this sandy soil-and going about my chores of tending my flowers- taking care of my dogs and cats...etc.., they are usually ready for the back porch! ( set aside for easy change over for the dirtier chores!)

I often forget that I have on my brand new pair of canvas cheap-o sandals when I decide to go out to do something...thus, shortening the life ( or the easy, clean, life) of that particular pair of shoes!

In fact, that happened today...Without thinking it through I found myself in the meadow, clicking away at the flowers and butterflies and in my best navy canvas sandals! When I felt the sand between my toes I remembered! ...DANG!!

But it was worth it! Any one of the pictures I got is worth much more than those $8. shoes! :) Besides, I'm sure I have some spare Navies in my closet that are still presentable!

OK- In case you find my choice in sandals a bit tacky...let me just say this... I LIKE 'EM! They are the perfect, comfortable shoe for me!

With age comes the release of pressures to impress... to keep up with high fashion... to follow the trends...all of that ! :) Not that I ever did a lot of that anyway!

And when I find something I like I stick with it! I hate change!
( lol- which might explain this 47th anniversary!)

...and, too, with age, ( -and this may sound cynical and may actually BE that-) with age you find a kind of freedom that you never had in your younger years! IMO

all the plans and dreams and expectations you had - all the struggles ... to DO- to become- to acquire...all of this has either happened for you or it has passed you by!
By the time one reaches the 50s & 60s and beyond
, you have found your true self! MOST of your high points in life have been reached- most of the challenges have been met or avoided- whichever the case may be!

And now - it is, what it is!

You are now free to be YOU- You can say to the world,
"What you see is what you get! This is ME! Take it or leave it!"

:) That's the way I see it!

Some butterflies and flowers for you....

(Click to enlarge)

Early tomorrow, we're off to capture that elusive, perfect, sunset- on the Gulf Coast! Be back after the week-end!

Junie Rose


  1. I loved your post Junie!
    I love shoes and I do the same as you - buy more than one pair if it's something I really like!
    Have a wonderful weekend at the coast and we'll be waiting for that sunset photo!

  2. Hi Junie. Its comfort first in my world too.. I tend get in the garden forgetting ive got my good slippers on, I drop something look down and another pair of good slipper ruined and only fit for the garden..Just as well I buy them on special as ive always got another pair in the closet..

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    All lovely "greens" !! The apples looked particularly good :)

    Hope you enjoy that sunset!

  4. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I think they are cute and look better than these old pink and blue crocks I keep by the door...LOL!

    My feet are so stinkin' choosy...just like you I'm a size 6 1/2 you know how hard that is to find?? Lot's of times I have to go with the 7...sigh...

    Comfort...that is what I'm all about!! ☼

  5. Junie, I practically decide what I'm going to wear by my shoes! Like, iIf I need to stand or be on my feet that day, I need my comfy shoes, so they come out first, THEN I choose the outfit, lol! Your post makes PERFECT sense to me!

    Thanks for sharing those lovely flowers/butterflies too :)

  6. i like the salmon sandles. the roses are beautiful :)

  7. Fun pictures Junie! I also do Not like a fun trip!!hughugs

  8. Great post. I agree with you, that's the best part of getting older. Super photos also!

  9. I really like this post, Junie. I'm very glad you are you, and I wouldn't want you any other way! I also look forward to being at that place in my life.

    Hope you have a lovely anniversary trip!! 47 years is a long time to do ANYthing!! :)

  10. The pics were worth the cost in shoes.

  11. Hope you are having a dandy trip!!

    I have lots of shoes and I go for the comfort too. I decided sometime back that the painful shoes HAD to go and go they did! They have been replaced by comfy shoes and I don't care about impressing anyone either!! One day I was taking a trip and my shoes were killing my feet, so I stopped at the next town and bought some more comfortable shoes and put them on as soon as I got back to the car. I like having happy feet.

    The pictures are beautiful!!

  12. Oh, LOVE the pictures!!

    Yep, I'm with you about comfort, if your feet hurt you hurt all over, or at least I do. Another thing at this age in my own life; I don't get fussy about makeup before hitting the grocery store. Nor do I get dressed (as in BRA) unless I have to!!

    Hope the weekend was as wonderful as you wanted!!

  13. Shubd07

    Thanks for your visit.

    I liked the apple picture, too!

    We had a lovely time - but missed the sunset, after all! :(


  14. MsDragonfly,

    Thanks for visiting!
    Hope you'll come again!


  15. Thanks to all for visiting! :)

    I'm happy to know there are other ladies out there who think like I do about some comfortable shoes, for one!

    And I'm happy you all enjoy my pictures of our life here!


