Thursday, April 10, 2008

Award from a friend

Just a quick post today to thank my dear friend Merle for a special award she has given me!

I appreciate all of the awards that have been given to me... even if I do not display them on my side bar! LOL- I have tried but have never got the hang of adding things on the side bar! Every time I have tried I have messed up-BIG TIME- so I just gave it up!


This is what Merle had to say about the award.

"Light gives of itself freely, filling
available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not
whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not there-
fore diminished."

Dear Merle, I never thought of myself as 'Lighting Up' anyone's life, but I thank you
for this honor! It makes me happy! :)


Tomorrow Charles goes for more treatment (cutting out) of the skin cancer.
Just have to trust it will be successful! I will be with him, of course, and will probably be gone a good part of the day. We have to be there by 8:15. and it's over a half hour drive so must be up early!


Look for my latest Yellow post late tonight.
(for tomorrow's post.)



  1. Hi Junie,
    You are a special bright spot in the world of blogging, so I'm not surprised Merle gave you this award!
    I'll keep Charles in my prayers as he has his treatments.

  2. Congrats on the award! And hoping Charles heals good as new :)

  3. All the best to you guys tomorrow.

  4. Susie



    Thanks to you all for your good wishes. It means a lot to me!


  5. I hope Charles's appointment goes well. I'll have to read your previous posts to see if you wrote more about his skin cancer. My dad has had some skin cancers burned away due to all the sun exposure he's had over the years on construction jobs.
    Please pass along best wishes to your hubby.

  6. Dearest Junie,

    Little do you realize just how much of a bright spot you are in a lot of our lives! Congratulations on the award, you are truly deserving of it. I may not have time to visit every day but your blog is one that I always look forward to visiting:-)

    My prayers will be with Charles tomorrow...hopefully all will go well. I know how worried you are and know that we're all here for you!! xoxo

  7. Thanks, JD,

    I appreciate your good wishes.

    Carcinoma (sp) is what he has and is supposed to be treatable if caught early! So we are counting on that!!


  8. Dear Sweet Pea,

    Such nice words! Thank you!
    (and if I'm remembering right- didn't Merle give you this award too?...Congrats to you too!)

    Also, thanks for the good wishes and prayers for Charles!

    I'll visit you soon>



  9. What a Wonderful award! You SO deserve it!! Love your blog Miz Junie! And Many prayers headed your way from me for tomorrow!!hughugs

  10. Dear June ~~ I am so glad that you were pleased with the award and I do enjoy your posts. (Including all the yellow) My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charles for his surgery.
    My son John had a couple of bad ones cut out last year and he is fine now.
    So I trust all will be well with Charles. Take care my friend, Love, Merle.

  11. Thanks for visiting again-


    and Merle

    and for your good wishes
