Monday, April 14, 2008

Victory (a victory on the Victory)

...This happened a few days ago and I've been reluctant to mention it ... thinking not to upset the family in case they should read this...but I know they seldom read my blog so I guess it's safe to write about it! :) We probably would have told them if we had been in touch at all this past few days- but we haven't !

The kids tend to worry about us and the Victory riding! This, though, was not due to Charles' incompetence in riding, but in a unique situation on the road! At any rate we feel the pleasure we get from riding outweighs the risk.

Charles had a 'mishap' on the Victory. He had gone to the pharmacy to pick up his meds (antibiotics, in preparations for the cancer surgery) and this is what happened...He was stopped at a red light and was to make a right turn...When he went to turn the back wheel of the motorcycle came in contact with oil that was on the road. The motorcycle did a complete reverse turn, and he was facing South instead of north with the bike going down. The bike fell and of course his knee was the first thing that hit the pavement! LOL- He said he tried to keep the Victory from getting scratched up- :) - and the good news was- he succeeded in that! :)

Of course, in terms of accidents, this was very minor, indeed! And he was never in any real danger, as he was going at a very low speed. All traffic stopped and someone with a trailer offered to bring him and the bike but he declined and drove on home! That's what one would expect from Charles! I didn't even know about this until he had showered and cleaned himself up!

That's the way it is with Charles.

On a happier note I want to show you a picture from my back yard this past week!

'Red, White and Blue & some Green'


Junie Rose


  1. Ouch! Glad it wasn't serious. Funny the lengths men go to to protect their toys, lol! Once Bob kept getting the tractor stuck in the swampy section. Instead of hooking a chain to the Subaru to pull it out, he had ME push it! Just so the car bumper wouldn't get scratched ;D

  2. NICE bike, ugly scratch - makes me hurt! :)

    Lovely picture of your roses against the sky!

  3. It looks bad enough, but I guess we're all glad it wasn't a lot worse.

  4. Thanks all, for your comments,

    Yah- it wasn't a serious fall... thank goodness!

    LOL- Carolyn- that's funny about your husband getting the tractor unstuck! :)

    Thanks - about the roses... and,although the color of the roses doesn't stand out enough...I still like that picture!


  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Oh no! I'm glad it wasn't too bad and he's alright. That's a pretty bad scrape on his leg though.

    ...but we have been in touch with you, and you didn't tell us... :[

  6. Junie,
    Thank goodness it wasn't a bad accident, although I'm sure a scrape like that is quite painful.
    I don't remember reading about the cancer surgery. I'll keep him in my prayers.

  7. Hi Alli,

    Yes, he's ok- - it was just a little thing- but I really hadn't heard from you to tell any of you about it- It happened Wednesday, I think!



  8. Thanks for coming by, Susie,

    The scrape isn't that bad but it's just scary that it happened. Could have been bad!

    He had to go back for a second time for a skin cancer cutting out... We just hope this time they got it all.It's Carcinoma (not sure of the spelling)


  9. OWIE OUCH!! So glad it wasn't worse. Men and their toys is right! The red, white and blue - sooooo beautiful!! :)

  10. Hi Sally,

    Yah- very glad he wasn't hurt worse-

    lol- but I DO know he would be thinking of the Victory as he was going down! I'm glad I wasn't on with him- because a rider would have even less control (none) and know less about what was going on- and nothing to hold on to! Well- but it's over and it turned out not so bad- and that's good! :)

    About the roses and sky! Yes! I love the way that pic turned out!


  11. OUCH! But if you ride these things do happen. On April 7th my 18 yr. old granddaughter who is taking a motorcycle riding class at the university also had a spill and her leg also looks like Charles's leg.

    We should feel blessed that these two accidents weren't any worse.

    I know what you mean about telling the kids and sometimes it's best just to keep things to ourselves.

  12. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I hope that the leg isn't as painful as it looks. Even abrasions can really be painful. Tell Charles this is no way to start his 73rd year! Tell him to take care!

  13. Anonymous2:54 AM



  14. Hi JUnie.. Ouch Charle's leg looks very sore,
    and not a scratch on Victory...

  15. Well, your yellow craze has come to an end. I was just at another blog buddy's place, and she posted a couple of pics for Project Yellow. She said the color will change soon. Yellow was perfect for the start of spring. It is so bright and cheerful.

    I'm glad Charles only got a scraped leg and not a cracked noggin'. I'm quite sure that Charles is as safe as anyone can be.

    That last photo is really nice. The sky looks great as the background.

  16. Hi Tam,

    Well, you know your Dad enjoys riding, and me too- and this was a very minor thing, really> He's a very good and careful rider.



  17. Hi Sandy,

    Yes, I feel very blessed that this was so minor... maybe ot will be the one and only little accident we will ever have on the Victory- anyway, it's something we enjoy doing together so I expect we will continue- until the day when he feels he can't ride any more.

    WOW- you got a LOT of family members riding. I'm glad your granddaughter only got a scraped leg too!


  18. Hi Momma,

    Oh, the knee/leg is getting better. It wasn't bad at all- The worse part was having to let our kids know...because they worry and would prefer us not to ride at all. :(

    I DID tell him what you said... :) about this being a bad way to start off his 73rd. year!

    But, you know something? - I think it's good for him to continue all the things he's always done. He's been a hard worker and a tackle anything type guy all his life and I think that's what has kept him going strong!


  19. Jeanette,

    Thanks for coming by. LOL- yes, he saved the VICTORY from harm! He's ok- the leg is getting better.


  20. Hi JD,

    :) Yep- the Project Yellow posts were a lot of fun...LOL- and as always I went a little crazy with my posting...but, heck , I was having fun! It was surprising that so many people got involved!

    Yes, a little scary that Charles had the Victory mishap...I really don't even call it an was so small a thing! I think it will server to make him even more careful than he usually is, tho, so maybe it's a good thing! Part of the plan, maybe!

