Thursday, April 24, 2008

Money (Project Green)

I wanted to get my Project Green post in. Click on link for other green projects!

This is my 2nd. post of today, #1 is below this one.


After Mom left us 5 years ago this past January, I found this $2. bill crumpled and rolled up in her wallet. I have no idea how long she had
I wanted it and put claims to it and it was ok with the others in the family! I bought this little frame to display it, leaving it pretty much the way I found it that day in Mom's things; with the crinkles of her handling it! I look at it often and think of Mom treasuring this 'not so common' $2.00 bill!



  1. Blogger is being Awful today!!
    Anyway...This green is wonderful!! And Happy Anniversary on Sunday Miz Junie!!hughugs

  2. Hi Donna,

    Thanks for your greetings!

    And thanks for looking at my mom's $2.

    I had a real heck of a time with blogger last night- couldn't get my post on at all!! :(

    (lol- I've let this blogging thing become WAY too important, I fear!)



  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I've got one somewhere...I just can't remember where!

    Have a great day!☼

  4. I have some things of my Gramillo's that I treasure so much. I have a few nice things that are of "value," but my favorite things are those that don't have any real, monetary value. I have a bookmark she made me not long before she died. It is just some paper with her writing on it and a hole punch with yarn tied on one end. I can't look at that bookmark without feeling like crying. Others would see it and just toss it in the trash, but to me, it is priceless. I understand the value of that $2 bill that belonged to your mom.


  5. Aw, that is so sweet. It truly is the little things that mean so much. I've got some coins of my mom's that I think she had probably even forgotten in the bottom of her cedar chest. They're in a very old little pink evening bag.

    Happy Anniversary you guys! It's always so wonderful to hear of long lasting, true love, marriages!

  6. Thanks, all of you, for your comments.

    And it's true- the little things I have of my mom mean the world to me!

  7. What a great idea for keeping a momento of your mom. I just rediscovered a long heart-felt letter my grandfather wrote to me the day I was born. We were very close and he's been gone now for 9 years.

  8. Thanks, Doug.

    Every little thing I have left of Mom is a treasure.

    I'm sure that letter your grandfather wrote for you,means the world to you.

    I can tell from some of your stories that I've read that you were very close to him.

    Thanks for coming by!

    Take care,


  9. My Dad loved collecting these!
    I'm glad you have a wonderful memory.
    I have a one dollar bill folded just like my Grandmother gave me when I got married. I probably should put a note with it so my kids one day will know why I have it.

  10. So true that it is the little things like your crumpled two-dollar bill that are such great memories. I have a letter written to my older brother and I but was never mailed. Then the old negative that I had made into a photo of my Mom and Dad - possibly on their wedding day - the only one of that time frame that I know of - precious stuff. ec

  11. Thanks,

    Mr Eddie
    and Carletta,

    It's so true that the little things we have left of our loved ones will be treasured.And it's especially so with photos!


  12. What a sweet memory.....
