Monday, April 07, 2008

The Name Game

:) I picked this up at Anvilcloud's place! It's fun to do!

The Name Game

1. Your rock star name (first pet, current car)
: Sparky Marquis

2. Your gangsta name (favorite ice cream flavor, favorite type of shoe)
:Rockey Road Sneaks

3. Your Native American name (favorite color, favorite animal)
: Green Cat

4. Your soap opera name (middle name, city where you were born)
: June LaFayette

5. Your Star Wars name (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first name)
: Lumla

6. Superhero name (2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
: Red Coffee

7. NASCAR name (the first names of your grandfathers)
: Robert George

8. Stripper name (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
: Rose C. Kisses

9. TV weather anchor name (your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
: Novak New York

10. Spy name (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
: Christmas Rose

11. Cartoon name: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now)
: Apple Top

13. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
: Toast Live Oak

14. Porn star name (first pet, first street where you lived)
: Penny Cleveland


  1. So, I should call you Sparky from now on??? lol Love it! I've never seen this meme but it sure is a fun one and I'll have to give it a try:-) even have a porn star name! hehe xox

  2. :)

    Yep...different names for all the different parts of my life...Rock Star..Hippie...Porn Star...LOL - all of them!

    Sparky-Rose C. Kisses

    aka- Junie Rose

  3. Great stripper name!! hahaha

    Yes, we are the same age, but we are NOT old. Got it? hahaha

  4. Junie! This is too funny. I really have to sit down and see what my names would be - looks like fun.

  5. Hi Sally,

    :) no way are we old! I DON'T FEEL OLD- do you?

    Old 20 years down the road!


    Rose C. Kisses

    aka-Junie Rose

  6. Carletta,

    :) It WAS fun. I hope I don't miss yours if you post it! Let me know-ok?

    Junie Rose

  7. Dianna and I had fun doing this, Junie! Thanks! :) (Although it was a bit interesting explaining to her what a porn star is!)

  8. This sounds like fun so I may do it!

    I'll let you know, Sparky ;D

  9. Dear Rose C. Kisses, (if that is your real name) You've been a busy girl. I got it all read. Even down to the smelly gloves. After the gloves I was glad I was done. That must have been not too pleasant.
    The chili cook off sounded like fun as well as the family gathering. We've been gone to Denver and all the way out and back we kept meeting old farm machinery on trailers from that sale. Quite a deal.

  10. This is amazing! I think this little meme was quite clever. #9 I don't think I could do...I am not sure I could even remember my 5th grade teacher. LOL #4 is terrific.

  11. This is cute!! Love the names...Have fun today!!hughugs

  12. Hi Skye,

    :) glad you and Dianna had fun with this!


  13. Carolyn,

    :) It was fun doing this. Hope you will do it- I'd like to see your new names!

    AKA-Junie Rose

  14. Hi Cliff,

    LOL- Thanks for hanging in there and reading ALL of my rambling accounts of life as Junie Rose- Rose C. Kisses- Sparky-and all the rest!

    AHHH- Yah- those gardening gloves were quite an experience!!

    Yep, we DID have a pretty busy week end and it was fun!

    So you guys were on a trip! WOW! We would have loved seeing all those trailers of Old farm equipment. Did you get any pictures of any of it?

    I'll be visiting your blog soon to see what you got to say about everything! :)

    Rose C. Kisses

    AKA-Junie Rose

  15. Hi Anni,

    I had fun with this one. Hope you'll do it too! :)


  16. Hi Donna,

    :) yah- some of the names turned out pretty funny!

