Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shades of green in my life

Today I'll show you a variety of green in my life!

Living in the country as we do, there is always some unexpected delight awaiting me when I go outside and it is often in shades of green!

Mushrooms always fascinate me with the interesting patterns they make when they just pop up in unexpected places around the yard. I think they look so cool against the green grass! I can almost imagine fairies and elves living beneath them! With that lush, green grass as a carpet it seems a perfect place to be!

My husband often brings me things of interest he finds outside...LOL - like snakes, dead scorpions- etc!!

Well, knowing my involvement with Anna's 'Project Green' at the present, he knew I'd be interested in seeing this green bug he found yesterday! It's a type of Scarab Beetle (Dung Beetle.) Yah-I know-that is pretty gross but it's an interesting bug and very colorful! While researching this beetle I found a lot of info on them and this picture that looks like the one we found. It's hard to be sure as there are over 30,000 of these related beetles!


This is another bit of GREEN in my life that's always fun!

Imagine finding this, way down south!

:) Yummy Italian food!!

...Look for the green in your life!



  1. Junie: Fun post with lots of Green. I'm glad to see the Green bettle in your yard not mine.

  2. I prefer the mushrooms over the dead bug. LOL!!! Nice job on these PG photos.

  3. LOL...EEWwweeeeee...bugs....LOL..Neat shots Junie!!hughugs

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Loved your green pictures!

    Have a great day! ♥

  5. In late spring and all of summer (where we live anyway), it's always interesting to see how many shades of green there are in the landscape.

  6. Fishing guy,

    I liked that beetle. He was very colorful- The picture doesn't really do him justice! :)

  7. Karen<

    :) He wasn't dead ...but just posing nicely for me to get his picture!

    haha- He must have heard of this Project Green we have going and wanted to get in on the action!


  8. Hi Donna,

    ....But as bugs go....isn't he a pretty one? :)


  9. ya ya,

    Thanks for looking at my green!

    Why not join in? It's fun!


  10. Hi AC,

    I bet green is really welcomed in your world- after such a long winter!


  11. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I have to admit you have a wonderful array of green there Junie.

  12. Hi Junie,
    I love the mushrooms - they remind me of drum cymbals!
    I don't care what the others say - the bug is a gorgeous shade of green!
    Have a good night!

  13. Great post. The mushroom photo is very cool... They really are fascinating. Good shot of the bug. Glad he's with you and not me, though.

  14. Oddly enough, I really like that Beetle, lol! Interesting color.

  15. :)

    Raven and Carolyn,

    Thanks for looking!

