Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sleepless in Ocala- again!

  Well, actually I haven't  tried yet...but you get to the place where you recognize the signs,  you know?

...For example, the past 2 nights I have not been able to sleep before  sometime beyond 3:30 AM. So I know it's useless to try  for sleep at a normal time- say 11:00 or 12:00.  And I have no reason to believe that tonight would be different .  I will give it a shot  within the next hour!

Am feeling very melancholy tonight!  Well, by now you all know my moods... how they  change course at the drop of a hat - or  whatever!  And at the least likely times, too...I mean- who would have suspected with all the photo/blogging fun I've been into for the past few days ...who would have thought... I'd come down with a case of  blues again!!  Oh, but I'll survive .  I always do!

 Perhaps listening to Sarah  was not the best choice tonight because most of her songs have a  feeling of sadness or discontent about them!  But I love her songs.  She sings with such feeling and honesty. I admire that and identify with it.

SO...sad or not I want to share this wonderful song  with you!

Junie Rose


  1. Oh, yes I know the feeling, I don't have the blues but I do have many sleepless nights, the best time for me to sleep is 4-6am. :)

  2. Okay, after listening to that song, I understand your melancholy. Especially if you listened to more songs like that! Looks like you have a beautiful life - no room for melancholy!

  3. Last night was my first somewhat decent sleep in about a week. Hope tonight is better for you.

  4. Hi AC,

    Hope your good sleep continues...

    I slept well last night- after I finally got there.


  5. Hi Judi,

    I've found from talking to a lot of ppl- so many of us have sleepless nights...

    I've started staying up much later before trying for sleep and that helps. I just hate laying there in bed - with my eyes wide open- for hours!!

    Thanks for coming by!


  6. Hi Tim,

    You're right- and most times I manage to keep the blues away

  7. I'm sorry you have trouble sleeping, and know how that is; MISERABLE! I've had a sleep disorder since I was a child, and it ain't no fun. I hope your blues fade away into the sunshine, Ms. Junie.

  8. Thanks, Sally!

    Oh-I feel better today.

    There seem to be an awfully lot of us sleepless folks around! Maybe we should form a club or something!! :) Not that that would help us sleep but at least we might feel not so alone in our misery!!


  9. I'm late to the dance as usual!!! Trying to play catch-up on my blog reading and what do I find??? Hope the day brought lots of love and sunshine to you Miz Junie!! Stop Worrying!! Hugs to you!!!
