Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Health Update ~ and Sarah's music!

Yesterday I got a great report back from the bone density test! I am so much improved I will no longer need to take the ' Actonel
' bone building /strengthening meds I have been taking for the past few years!


This was totally unexpected by me. I just assumed it would be a permanent thing for me...this taking of the medicine! But now- all I need to do is continue walking and taking calcium supplements!

I can do that!!

As the old saying goes......'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!' ......
I will just be thankful for this gift and not examine it too closely! :)

...And consider this little added bonus!
This will give me $113.00 extra to spend for fun things every month! :) Cool, huh!!
price for 2 little pills - if you ask me!!


So - we did our walk again this morning! Not the most fun thing in the world to do but I'm giving it my best shot! I love to just amble along with my camera but I know I need to put more into it than I left my camera home this time!


One more thing I want to say (before going out in search of butterflies) ...I played my new Sarah McLachlan CD last night; 'Rarities, B-Sides, and Other Stuff.'

WOW! What a wonderful music listen that was!

Several of the songs on this CD are with a few other well known singers in the music world! It's very special!

There does not appear to be any Youtubes of this available yet!

Some samples of songs can be found here!

Sarah McLachlan is wonderful ~ pure and simple!




  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Great news on your bone test.☺
    I just saw a comercial for the Actonel this afternoon and wondered how much that cost and thought I bet it is high since it is a once a month thing. These drug companies like to sock it to ya like that!

  2. Hi Ya Ya,

    Oh yah! All prescription drugs are WAY HIGH!
    All the insurance I have is medicare - and drugs are not covered, of course!

    So if I can get myself in better shape ...well- I just better try to do that!


  3. I try to keep several of her songs on my music box on the her voice!!!hughugs

  4. Oh YES!

    She's the best!


  5. I've only caught snatches of her here and there, but I really likes her Christmas album a year ago.

  6. Yes, the Christmas album is very good!

    I like all of her music- and I have most of it.

    There's lots to be found of her music on Youtube...just none of this newest album!


  7. Oh Junie, such great news about your results! Yeahhhhh for you:-) Oooooh now you have extra spending money...can I come shopping with you??? hehe We have our prescriptions covered so it only costs .35 per prescription, thank goodness!!

    Sarah IS one of the greatest singers around!! xoxo

  8. Thanks, Pea,

    Yes, I'm happy to be able to get off that expensive medicine! And I'm gonna try hard to get myself in better physical shape, all around!

    Yes! Sarah is tops with me! :)

    Tonight, tho, I'm listening to another cd that my son got me- It's Van Morrison's Greatest Hits!

    Very enjoyable!

    Have a great night!


